Saturday, July 23, 2016
The federal government wants to engage entrepreneurs something sustainable under the arms. Through a billion program startups aim to encourage venture capital via the KfW bank.
The federal government wants, according to a media report promote stronger with a new ten-billion euro fund founder. According to the plans of the Federal Ministry of Finance, the fund should lie in the state-owned KfW Bank and founders for each Euro deploy to venture a Euro credit on preferential terms, reports the “Welt am Sonntag”, citing government sources in advance.
More aboutAccording to the newspaper to come together in fresh capital for founding a total of 20 billion euros. Possible losses in the bankruptcy
According to the report, the balance sheet of the previous funding for startups falls but by growing. In the “Invest” the Ministry of Economy program only 23.59 million euros were from the 150 million euros provided since May 2013 retrieved.

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