Monday, July 25, 2016

Coop acquisition: How Edeka now could take revenge on Rewe – THE WORLD

Rewe may likely purchase the majority of the operational business of the North German retail chain Coop. This is evident from the design to the expected decision of the Bundeskartellamt, which has sent to the parties the authority. “In the procurement markets, it comes to the current view of the Bundeskartellamt by the acquisition of Coop by Rewe not significantly impede effective competition”, the Cartel Office confirmed on request.

Spicy: Edeka is involved in the process as a beige invited party and thus takes reflecting the same role as Rewe in fusion procedures Edeka / Kaiser’s Tengelmann – trying legally to torpedo with high chances of success of the Cologne trade giant

the spectacular decision of the Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf, after which special permission by economy Minister Gabriel to the projects of Edeka and Tengelmann probably was not right, is considered legal victory for Rewe.

competition problems in ten regional markets

Edeka and the other parties summoned, including Tengelmann have now until August 16, time on the draft decision to comment. After fierce skirmishes to Kaiser’s it would be surprising if Edeka and Tengelmann would not use every legal opportunity to tilt the Rewe plan their turn. The Bundeskartellamt underlined immediately that there was both cases treated exactly the same.

On the sales side 45 regional, predominantly rural market areas were investigated in Hamburg seven municipalities , “This corresponds to the procedure in the case of Edeka / Tengelmann, where also regional market spaces or in the affected cities of Berlin and Munich city districts were examined”, stressed the competition watchdog.

In ten regional markets could lead to competition problems, according Cartel. Rewe and Coop had however already agreed to sell branches to other grocers. Order for the competitive problems could be expected to eliminate, said President of the Bundeskartellamt, Andreas Mundt. Coop takes claims to sales in the single-digit range proposed.

observers expect job cuts

Rewe had in May announced plans to take over the majority of the operational business of the cooperative Coop chain via an intermediate holding. It operates 200 Sky supermarkets and about a dozen Plaza DIY stores in northern Germany, whose combined sales is estimated at 1.1 billion euros. “We are pleased with the positive signals from the Federal Cartel Office,” said a co-spokesperson.

Rewe was more critical. “The opinion of the Office that an authorization of the merger

subject to conditions is possible, we do not share this but have to respect and maintain a commitment solution for short lead times,” said a spokesman.

observers expect in the event of approval of the merger with a workforce reduction at least in administrative functions. The economic situation at Coop had deteriorated recently revealed.

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