Sunday, July 31, 2016

Changes August 1 at minimum, Hartz IV and BAföG –

on time earlier this month also occur in August again numerous amendments. This time is mostly about the relationship between education, labor and social affairs. Our Overview:

minimum In the electrical trade, the minimum wage rises in East Germany of 9.35 euros to 9.85 euros and 10.10 euros to 10.35 Euro in West Germany. Starting from 1 January 2018 will apply to all institutions in the electrical trades workers a nationally standardized minimum wage of 10.95 euros. The electrical trade employs approximately 41,500 people

Hartz IV & amp. Co:. unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) and social allowance will in future be granted for twelve months. Beneficiaries will get faster and easier clarity on their claims. Long-term unemployed can also apply a publicly funded employment for three years. More apartments can be assessed under the basic security as appropriate. Trainees can aufstockend unemployment benefits II. Has anyone found a job, the services for inclusion in work may be granted six months

Qualifications:. for low-skilled workers, there will be better opportunities in the labor market. From 1 August, they can collect a premium for passed intermediate and final examinations if they make up a vocational qualification. For employees in small and medium enterprises there are grants for further training outside working hours. The scheme is limited until 31 December 2020.

Meister-BAföG:. Anyone who wants to improve their skills for trade or industrial champions, the technician, business administrator or certified educators, obtained from August 1 more support. When Meister-BAföG increase, according to the federal government not only the funding rates, but also the grant shares. Also Bachelor graduates receive Master BAföG if they want to make the master and conduct a Workshop later

BAföG:. In the winter semester 2016 rise for pupils and students the BAföG rates seven percent.

Students own apartment can get up to 735 euros a month, because even the housing benefit claim increases disproportionately from the current 224 euros to 250 euros. Higher allowances for the parents income 110,000 pupils and students in addition BAföG entitled

Free router choice. Internet providers can not prescribe longer their customers, what hardware it for connecting to the need to use power. From 1 August free device selection applies. Previously, customers could to be forced to use a particular terminal for the Internet

Psychiatry:. The placement in a psychiatric hospital is limited to serious cases. In less serious diagnoses a disproportionately long accommodation is to be avoided. To avoid self-fulfilling routine assessments, writes the law the exchange of experts before

German Railways:. Customers with a BahnCard 50 get now as the holders of a BahnCard 25 permanently a discount of 25 percent to low prices in the long-distance transport. Sparpreis tour are from August are exchanged or refunded only until the day before departure, not on the day of travel itself. In addition, 12.50 Euro are when buying tickets on the train now matured five euros more than previously. Those who book a reservation for the 1st class, but buys a ticket, 5.90 Euro is charged instead of the previous 4.50 euros. When buying a ticket for 1st class the reservation included.

remains Moreover, the German Railways offers between August and the timetable change in December with the action “For me and for you” two sample-BahnCards the price of one on. The BahnCard50 for seniors is to have effective until the end of September.


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