Thursday, July 28, 2016

Labor market in Germany: unemployment rises in July – Reuters

employment Agency

the number of unemployed has risen in July

(Photo: AP).

Nuremberg to the top of the annual summer break is the number of unemployed rose to 2.661 million in Germany. In July were 47,000 more people without jobs than the previous month. Compared to last year the number of unemployed on the other hand fell by 112,000, as the Federal Employment Agency (BA) announced in Nuremberg on Thursday. The unemployment rate rose by 0.1 points to 6.0 percent.

“The labor market has developed well in July,” said BA chief Frank-Jürgen Weise. With the onset of summer break, the number of unemployed people was indeed risen – because many graduates sign up now temporarily unemployed and many businesses wait recruitment until after the holidays

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After seasonal adjustment is the number of unemployed declined against said manner. Adjusted for seasonal influences number of unemployed decreased compared to June by more than 7000 to about 2.682 million people. In western and eastern Germany the decline was roughly equal strength.

The employment and the number of people with a regular job also grew consistently. According to the latest figures from the Federal Statistical Office, the number of employed persons rose seasonally adjusted in June from the previous month to 45,000 to 43.67 million. That was 533,000 more than last year.

The social security payments put to BA extrapolations from April until May by a seasonally adjusted 56,000 to. With 31.42 million people, the number was over the previous year to 697,000 in the black. Employment grew there in all provinces and most industries.

And the demand for new employees is still very high. In July 674,000 jobs were registered in the BA – these were 85,000 more than a year ago

Until July, 509 600 candidates to consider for an education -. About the same number as in the same period last year. The number of registered apprenticeship was 511,300. That was 16,000 more than last year. Thus there were in July slightly more reported apprenticeships than applicants.

Poverty in Germany

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the number of single parents has been increasing for years: in the meantime, every fifth family is a single-parent family. 2.3 million children thus grow up in single-parent families, mostly in the mother (89 percent). Of these mothers, 61 percent are employed. Because they have to take care usually without partner to household and child next to the profession, they often work part-time (58 percent), then an average of 29.5 hours per week about five hours more than mothers in families with two parents. Nevertheless, single parents are particularly often at risk of poverty.

  • Yes, and identifies those two indicators show. They are about five times more often dependent on welfare benefits. The study received last year 37.6 percent of single parents Hartz IV benefits, the proportion of couple households with children was 7.3 percent. The so-called risk of poverty rate shows the differences as clear: 42 percent of single parents based 2014 income that was less than 60 percent of median income. In couple families, the rate was 10.6 percent.

  • the main reasons for the Bertelsmann Foundation called missing payments of estranged parent: Three out of four children do not get what they deserve. Half get nothing from the debtor, although they are entitled to, another quarter to little or irregular money. Even tax are single parents are still not as well placed as couples with children despite increased allowances, criticize organizations. Too short Kita-opening times and little flexibility among employers make single parents even more difficult in the labor market.

  • experts consider a reform of the advance on maintenance payments for a good lever. To date, the state jumps only six years and only for children under twelve years In cases of failure maintenance. In addition, there was a need for better enforcement options against the defaulting fathers or mothers. Basically, it is important to recognize more single parents in family policy – only who they take a closer look can child poverty effectively treated with specific measures, the experts emphasize

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