Monday, February 15, 2016

Majority of German and British entrepreneurs fear the Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

campaign of Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union advocates: “. the EU is full of hot air”

German and British entrepreneurs fear the consequences of Brexits and are opposed to a withdrawal of Britain from the European Union , In June, the referendum is expected in which the British government of the population wants to leave the decision as to the whereabouts in or withdrawal from the European Union. The companies fear When discharged negative effects on labor markets, sales and investment. This is the result of a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, which was presented on Monday.

According to the study, 79 percent want the entrepreneurs, directors and executive officers, the United Kingdom should remain in the EU. The German entrepreneurs the proportion of 83 percent is still slightly higher than for British entrepreneurs. This significant result was not expected. Because in the survey, it was assumed that Britain would leave the EU as a political entity, the internal market, however, could continue to participate. enjoy a status as Switzerland or Norway, so that would be easily conceivable.

However, the companies fear negative consequences for the labor market. Only 13 percent believe an exit Britain have positive effects. 38 percent of respondents, however fear a negative impact on sales, 22 per cent of investments and 34 percent of employment. Also for the own company The respondents see these trends as a real threat. Three years after a possible Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union fear 36 percent of companies slumps in sales, 31 percent decline in investments and 29 percent a negative impact on the number of employees in their own companies.

In the case of Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union wants to almost every third befragteUnternehmen on both reduce sides of the channel either its capacity in the UK or move away from the island. Most companies in the IT sector these intentions (41 percent), but 33 percent of the financial companies can introduce a reduction or transfer of capacity in the UK.

On Thursday, leaders advise the European Union in Brussels with the EU will make the British to remain in the Union tasty on the reform package presented by European Council President Donald Tusk. It foresees, among other things, an “emergency break” with the United Kingdom may suspend benefits for new people moving EU citizens for four years.

The survey seems clear vote for remaining Britain in the EU. “On the eve of the negotiations say the business leaders on both sides of the Channel: In case of a Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union, we all have much to lose,” said Aart de Geus, CEO of the Bertelsmann Foundation. “The fears for jobs and welfare losses are real threats. European leaders therefore have an enormous obligation now to find compromises. “

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