The robust economy allows the Treasury to ring vigorously and brought Germany the largest surplus since reunification. The bottom line took government, states, municipalities and social funds around EUR 19.4 billion more than they spent a. In terms of total economic output the plus thus fell 0.6 percent even slightly larger than the assumed in the January estimate 0.5 percent, the Federal Statistics Office reported in Wiesbaden on Tuesday.
a percentage increase in the surplus there was 0.9 per cent of nominal gross domestic product (GDP) only in 2000. at that time the special auction of UMTS mobile phone licenses had the public coffers filled vigorously. In absolute terms, the surplus in 2000 was about 18.2 billion euros.
Last year benefited Europe’s largest economy of the good situation on the labor market and consumer sentiment. Taxes and social contributions filled the public coffers strong.
German economy on growth path
The second billion surplus in a row – 2014 he was 8.9 billion euros or 0.3 percent of GDP – Germany is far away from the debt ceiling, which the Europeans themselves concede (Maastricht contracts). Allowed is a maximum of a deficit of 3.0 percent. Recently Germany had missed that mark in 2010 with a decline of 4.2 percent.
At the end kept the German economy with 0.3 percent increase the previous quarter their growth – thanks to more upmarket consumer and government spending for the care of hundreds of thousands of refugees. Here confirmed the Wiesbaden statisticians first calculations. In total 2015 put Germany’s economic output by 1.7 percent to -. By 1.6 percent a year earlier
Growth was October-December mainly from domestic: Because of the interest rate lows to traditional savings barely worth, so many people spend their money rather from. Because refueling and heating is relatively inexpensive because of low oil prices, individuals also have more money for consumption left.
refugee crisis supports the economy
the billion expenditure of federal, state and local authorities to tackle the refugee immigration to boost the economy: In the fourth quarter, consumer spending rose sharply. Many economists evaluate the immigration of people from Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan as a stimulus program – also in 2016.
However, the headwinds for the German economy is growing.. Important markets such as China falter, came last from the USA weaker economic data. Still, most economists see Germany in the current year on a robust growth path. Federal Government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) expect GDP growth in the order of 1.7 percent.
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