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the chemical and pharmaceutical group Bayer has appointed a successor in the management team surprisingly fast , Former finance and current Chief Strategy Officer Werner Baumann is 1 May take over from Marijn Dekkers, such as the company announced after a board meeting on Wednesday. The Treaty of Dekkers will prematurely dissolved. The Dutch themselves had suggested this. Originally his contract was due to expire until the end.
The Group is now repositioning itself
That Dekkers his post already considerably earlier releases and Baumann takes over the leadership of well 100,000 employees, according to company spokesman Christian Hartel is mainly two major projects owed. On the one hand is at Bayer since the turn of to structure the company again. In the course of the Group as early as 2015 its plastics subsidiary Covestro split off and taken public. With Baumann Bayer makes a homegrown a figurehead. The 53-year-old has long been touted as Crown Prince of the Dutchman Dekkers. 28 years Baumann works for Leverkusen, came right after studying economics in Aachen and Cologne to Bayer and worked for the aspirin manufacturer in diverse functions among others in Barcelona and the United States. Following the acquisition of Schering 2006 he was one of the driving forces of integration of the Berlin company in the Bayer Group. In 2009 he was Chief Financial Officer and five years later Strategy Board. In this position he recently arranged the Group’s largest transactions and was instrumental in the adoption of health products division of US rival Merck & amp; Co. Experts believe that Baumann will try in the consolidation of the industry to the clocks to belong.
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Baumann describes himself as more introverted: “I like to speak in front of people, but I am not a big fan of having the big stage.” However, he has made in the industry long a name. “Baumann is underestimated,” says one investment banker who has worked closely with the new Bayer CEO. Another companion describes the father of four children as a man without airs: “He’s very casual and informal to deal with.” From colleagues Baumann called approachable, but also as someone who promotes his “to-do” lists with hardness.

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