VIERSEN (AFX) – Big fuss over a small piece of plastic: the US confectionery giant Mars will go with a mass recall chocolate bar in a number of countries from the market. In one product a plastic had been found, the company said on Tuesday. Suffocation could not be excluded. Mars have therefore decided to voluntary recall. Besides Germany, dozens of countries worldwide are affected.
Mars warned his clients against the consumption of candy bars of the Mars and Snickers and of some products of brands Milky Way and Celebrations. These are products with expiration dates between June 2016 and January 8, 2017. 19 The candies were the beginning of January to early February produced in the Netherlands, said a company spokesman.
A consumer ‘in Germany had complains, then was the “voluntary recall” has been initiated. The plastic part was just under half a centimeter in size. The company wants to meet with the recall of its responsibility towards the customer. A Mars spokesman in the US said to dpa inquiry, you start from a single case.
According to the European Commission are in the recall of US confectionery giant more than 50 countries affected. The Netherlands reported until Tuesday evening 59 affected countries and territories with the authorities in Brussels. Recalls therefore, there is in all EU countries, except Bulgaria and Luxembourg. About a database, the information is passed to all EU states. As the affected bolts were manufactured in the Netherlands, the local authorities reported the information to Brussels
A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Food in Berlin told dpa inquiry. “After all, what we know at this time, are the necessary measures that are required in such cases, have been taken. “
the bit of plastic came from a lid, with a line would be completed, cited the Dutch TV station NOS a Mars spokesman. Probably had something went wrong when replacing a line – possibly plastic is that gets into chocolate bars. The company apologized to the customers.
How could just get the plastic complained in the latch will still under investigation, said the spokesman. For the number of affected products Mars could initially make any comments. Currently will assess the extent to which affected sweets were delivered and where they were in. / Sil / mov / rea / DP / unit
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