Federal Labour Minister Andrea Nahles (SPD) can be a new model for the sort of immigration professionals from outside the EU to Germany test. The influx is intended to be made dependent on foreigners accumulated at least 100 points by German skills and other criteria and thus documents proved their ability to integrate, the Ministry informed about the project. It is carried out in autumn 2016 in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency (BA).
The “points-based model for foreign professionals” will as a new Zuwanderungsweg for professionals opened from third countries; first it will try in Baden-Württemberg. The Federal Government thus most “a new way, which has already proven itself in Canada,” said Nahles. Germany need additional highly trained professionals from abroad to safeguard its prosperity.
The CEO of Federal Employment Agency and head of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ( BAMF), Frank-Jürgen Weise, said: “companies need in some cases very quickly qualified professionals in order to be economically successful can the only way to safeguard jobs for nationals or to offer new jobs..” Be such professionals on the regional labor market in the short term can not be found, we’ll look under this pilot project using the borders of the EU, whether candidates were available.
as part of the pilot project is an unspecified figured “limited number of skilled workers with a vocational qualification” for a period of three years, access to the German labor market are made possible even in those professions that are not recorded in the statistics as shortage occupations. In addition to the points account for integration a recognized degree and a concrete job offer are necessary for it.
Employers would accordingly if necessary a choice among already “pre-tested” candidates. The Central International Placement of BA is to create a pool of candidates who have demonstrated their ability to integrate and their Associate degree. Once a concrete job offer would have existed they could enter Germany.
Canada has for many decades a points system for immigration. In this criteria such as qualifications, age and language skills are evaluated with points. The latter are recorded in an audit. From a certain number of points a migrant can permanently enter and work in the country. Can anyone show a lack professional, there are extra points.
Parliament shall also establish, as may many migrants come. If a candidate has a criminal record, money problems or a serious illness, it can despite having reached the minimum number of points mean that he can not enter. Also scoring systems have about Australia and New Zealand.
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