Despite rising tax revenue and economic good must save the federal government. However, because the federal government is more and more money to cope with the refugee crisis is available, use the some ministries.
Not mess, big way. The thinking is part of the federal government when it comes to the integration of refugees into society.
Overall, the federal ministries have only 102 programs for language development and integration of refugees. The proceeds from the “Report of the Federal Government for language development and integration of refugees to the budget committee of the German Bundestag” forth.
The report was suitable as the basis for an inventory of integration measures of the Federal writes the Treasury in a paper that present the “Welt am Sonntag”. Thus, the Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration (BMFI) launched the project “1: 0 for one welcome” to life. 600,000 euros invested the program in football for refugees. A similar program called “orientation through Sport” and is specifically aimed at gymnastics and other sports projects.
Different programs on identical themes
According to newspaper each ministry calls its own integration program in place. The chaos is perfect: there are, in the working and the Ministry of Economy different refugee programs to nearly identical themes.
In addition, because the training and preparation of refugees in the world of work falls within the competence of the Ministry of Education, also this authority proposed its package of measures.
Family Minister lies with the programs-inventing forward
But not enough, recently Federal Family Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD), the number of young unaccompanied refugees estimated at nationwide about 59,000. According to “Welt am Sonntag”, they have now launched the program “refugee work in multigenerational homes” to life. Overall, the Ministry of the Family lies in the invention of integration programs, the newspaper said, clearly ahead.
In the video: “Yes, the numbers are high” – Nahles Hammer: One million Hartz IV recipients more by refugees

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