In the exhaust affair at Volkswagen of known US lawyer Michael Hausfeld checks also class actions for compensation of investors and environmental organizations. At his firm also VW shareholders and environmental organizations were approached, Hausfeld said the “Welt am Sonntag”. “Million vehicles with excessive emission levels pose a serious threat to health.”
A few days ago it was revealed that Hausfeld not only in the United States , but also in Germany obtain compensation for affected motorists. The lawyer goes in the USA against VW ago and has recently also an office in Berlin .
He announced the site for German Volkswagen customers, make the person concerned their claims and cede them to a legal service providers. Class actions, as are common in the US, are in the German legal system does not.
Hausfeld hopes loud “Welt am Sonntag” that it is not for VW process will bring them and instead going for a comparison. “VW white: The faster you adjusted such a crisis, the better,” said the lawyer of the newspaper. Only then could the automotive group “restore the credibility of its brand and customer confidence again”.
The President of the German protection combination for security possession, Ulrich Hocker advised, VW shareholders in the “Welt am Sonntag”, they should first wait to see what the outcome is financial supervision BaFin. It is currently examining whether VW has its investors too late informed as a result of manipulation of emission values of potential risks and timely published an ad hoc announcement it.
Volkswagen had to admit in September that the world at around eleven million diesel vehicles of several brands a manipulation software has been used, which reported to the low nitrogen oxide emissions in the test mode. Especially in the US threatens the consolidated high fines and damage claims.
Up to 75 million euros in damages to pay his affected by diesel scandal German customers Volkswagen, if it after the will of Hausfeld goes. His partner Christopher Rother told the “Tagesspiegel” that VW was obliged to pay compensation, was “indisputable”. The only question was how much. Rother is the Partner of the law firm of Hausfeld in Berlin office. The lawyer expects tens of thousands of victims in this country. “With about 50,000 injured one had reached a critical mass, the VW seriously,” Rother said.
The average loss amounted Rother 1000 to 1500 Euros – so come on VW up to 75 million euros in damages to pay. In the US, are affected VW customers get a prepaid credit card, a discount on purchases at a VW dealership and roadside assistance for three years. “Why should German Volkswagen customers away empty, only because in Germany, no way to class actions are like in the US?” Asked Rother.
The Registry is, call together with the US litigation funder Burford with so-called legal service providers in the conversation that will gather thousands VW customer the damages. Burford is loud “Tagesspiegel” for the process of ten million euros available
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