LONDON / FRANKFURT (dpa AFX) – Europe’s banks are facing a crisis test again this year. In a new stress test European Banking Authority takes 51 institutions under the microscope. At the same time examined the European Central Bank (ECB) in a stripped version 60 more banks from the euro zone. It is checked whether the financial institutions have sufficient capital buffers to cope with an economic crash and collapse in property prices. The results of the EBA tests will be published early in the third quarter, as the Authority announced in London on Wednesday. The ECB wants their results, however not officially announce and use internally for monitoring the banks.
In the EBA test, there will be unlike previous stress tests no “diarrheal”. The scenarios that are played out on the basis of the figures for the end of 2015, see massive economic shocks in Europe: For this year and next a shrinking by 1.2 percent and 1.3 percent economic, in 2018 only 0.7 percent growth. Also for the US and Japan, as well as emerging economies such as China, Brazil and Turkey violent burglaries are played out.
new is that so-called behavioral risks enter the stress scenario. This refers, for example, penalties that banks have to pay about because traders against targets violated as in the case of the Libor rate-fixing that cost Geldhäuser retrospectively billion. This could in particular the German bank & lt; DBK.ETR & gt; meet that grapples with numerous legal legacy. However, they would at the results of the stress test can not be read, by what punishments expect a bank, explained EBA risk expert Mario Quagliariello.
Other risks falling energy prices and negative interest rates are recorded with the crisis scenario. The consequences of a possible withdrawal of Britain from the EU ( “Proposed referendum on United Kingdom membership of the European Union”) but not called Quagliariello.
The Overseer forego this time on standards of capital ratios to be met by banks. Instead, the results will be used in the annual assessment of business models and risks of institutions. When hitherto latest EU-wide stress test in 2014 had fallen by 123 banks 24th They lacked together 24.6 billion euros. Such studies had been introduced by the recent financial crisis. They should disclose risks in the bank balance sheets, thus creating greater confidence in the stability of the financial sector.
The ECB is responsible for banking supervision in the euro area since November 2014 and controls the 129 largest institutions directly. Of which take the current tests but only about 100 institutions participate. The other had been recently screened as the Greek financial institutions or subsidiaries. The EBA is the top Banking Authority of the European Union and thus also for banks in non-euro countries like Britain verantwortlich./pm/ted/DP/she
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