Monday, February 22, 2016

Facebook CEO: Zuckerberg plans to the end of the Free Culture on the Net – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

We know the boxing matches. When the opponents come from the cab to get in the ring, you hear a song they have chosen beforehand and that reflects their character at best. Before Mark Zuckerberg, founder of social network Facebook, on Monday night at the Mobile World Congress took the stage, the song “Save the world tonight” the Swedish electronics group Swedish House Mafia ran in major conference venues. While it is not known whether Zuckerberg has chosen the song with the world salvation in the title. Probably it is not. But the piece fit anyway good to the message that having had the 31-year-old Facebook CEO in luggage.

 Martin Gropp Author: Martin Gropp, editor-in business.

Zuckerberg was the third consecutive year at the wireless trade show in Barcelona, ​​and the third time was the initiative at the center of the stage conversation that led the journalist Jessi Hempel from the magazine “Wired”. Facebook had founded two years ago along with network equipment, chip manufacturers and telecommunications service providers The goal: people from developing countries to give free access to a handful of Internet services to make their lives better. Access to information and knowledge of the world will also positively influence the economic development of previously digitally excluded, so the argument of

However, the mission of stutters just belonging. Two weeks ago, the Indian government shut off service because they saw threatened the principle of net neutrality in the country. Thereafter, no data or services are to be preferred, even if these are free services. “Our mission to bring all people on the Internet, which was a setback,” Zuckerberg said now in Barcelona. But the initiative have also learned. “The most important lesson is that countries are different,” he said, pointing to combative. “Facebook is not the company that gives up when the road is blocked.”

According to Zuckerberg’s words wants the obstacles but not round, but skim

literally. Currently the initiative working to develop drones with which remote parts of the world are to be supplied with Internet. The flying objects are to be powered by solar energy and could as three to six months at a time stay in the air. “You have the wingspan of a Boeing 747, but weigh as much as a car,” Zuckerberg said.

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in addition would soon shoot a satellite into orbit, which is to care about Africa for network access. In addition to experimenting with lasers, to be shot in certain places on the targeted radio waves to connect. But that was not so easy, Zuckerberg said. It should be something like this, as if you would try to take from California, the Statue of Liberty in New York with a laser pointer.

With all the efforts are going but more about bringing the Internet in areas where a connection was uneconomical to date. “If the infrastructure is favorable, we can then pass on to the customer,” Zuckerberg said. In some countries bonded so well in future a price tag on his Internet supply. In this light, a new initiative is to see that Facebook had announced before the show Zuckerberg’s.

with industry partners will the Telco Infra Project placed shortly TIP. Among the partners, including the German Telekom belongs. But the ultimate goal remains at the end of the same but to connect namely half the world’s population connected to the grid, which still does not have access. “I hope everyone gets Internet access,” Zuckerberg said. This is only guaranteed if the industry do not just work at ever higher connection speeds for the developed world, but also in this task.


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