NUREMBERG (Reuters) – Germany’s consumer can also be of terror alerts and the debate on refugees their buying mood not spoil. Especially the stable labor market and the continued growth in demand for labor affect currently positive effect on the consumption of such GfK & the market research firm lt; GFK.ETR & gt; announced in Nuremberg on Thursday.
Although the expectations of citizens have recently taken on the economic development therefore something, the willingness to make major purchases remained stable. The income expectations increased noticeably. The determined by the GfK consumer confidence index for March rose therefore the first time in the New Year slightly, from 9.4 to 9.5 points.
As long as the economy is stable and the jobs are safe, “is likely the time being hardly change, “said the GfK consumer researcher Rolf Bürkl. “And then probably has also been added that now the first trade union demands have been added with regard to the collective bargaining rounds,” he said. “The workers know that this is not the conclusion, but the demand is raising hopes for a good tariff income growth this year,”
, Bürkl said. The unions want six percent more content for more than two million employees of the federal government and municipalities.
Currently, the good labor market factors such as the refugee crisis that latent terrorist threat and economic downturns urge in key emerging markets in the Background. “After the experience of recent years, I assume that the mood can develop stable as long as the fear of unemployment is low,” Bürkl said.
While consumers will therefore assume that overall unemployment due to many entering the labor market of refugees increases. . The proportion of those who fear losing their jobs, have, however, not changed significantly over the past year, the GfK expert
Still smoldering in the background but risk factors for consumer sentiment: the unmet refugee crisis with a possible foreclosure of individual countries as well as the closing of borders would particularly take Germany as an export nation, warned Bürkl. This could dampen the economic outlook. A turnaround is however by no means in sight.
As the economic expectations of consumers are slightly delayed developing the Ifo business climate, should also not be ruled out that this clouded. Last time was the Ifo index for February surprisingly clear gefallen./ttr/DP/jkr
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