Tuesday, February 2, 2016

From 5000 euros: Government is considering limit: Can certain bills soon … – ABC Online

Tuesday, 02.02.2016, 19:57
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The Federal Government considering a media report after apparently, no longer permit the cash payment for certain invoices. Would affect them buzzing from 5000 euros. Trading criticized the plans.

The federal government is considering a newspaper report that the introduction of a ceiling for all cash payments in Germany. As work size is the Federal Ministry of Finance, an amount of 5,000 euros per week, reported the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. As a reason for engaging the growing threat’m called by international terrorism, Islamic, not least by supporters of Dschihadistenmiliz state (IS). It will however be discussed for some time for other reasons a limitation of cash.

The world is no longer the same after the attacks of Paris in November as previously, says’ FAZ “to justify the federal Treasury. There will argue that cash in addition to pre-paid cards was an important vehicle for the financing of terrorists. In other European countries there is some time limits on cash payments, on a common border we had but so far can not agree. The federal government call for a single European solution, but is necessary also willing to commit only a cash-limit.

“Cash is lived Privacy”

criticism of the plans, there is according to the report feared, among other things from the market, the disadvantages for some used car dealers, furniture stores, jewelers and luxury brands shops. Consumer advocates criticize that cash should be pushed back, although it was for consumers under data protection point of view is of great advantage.

“Those who discussed limits on cash payments or even the abolition of cash, the consequences for consumers must not ignore,” said Klaus Müller from the Federation of German Consumer (vzbv) the “FAZ”. People paid electronically or digitally, they left behind data tracks that could be used commercially and links to profiles. “Cash is lived Privacy. The must not be put at risk.”

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