Sunday, February 14, 2016

Auto – “Doping tests” for cars – “Environment” for gas-guzzlers? – Sü

Direct from the dpa news channel

Berlin (dpa) – As a consequence of the exhaust affair at Volkswagen is German Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) to carmakers unannounced emission tests in view


“There will be controls for motor vehicles in the vein of doping tests. unannounced, every year,” Dobrindt told the “Bild am Sonntag”. In the discussion on the promotion of electric cars brings German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD) a levy on the purchase of particularly fuel-eating cars this week

Dobrindt announced. “Randomly vehicles are selected for example the car rental companies and their pollution tested. ” His ministry would ensure that manipulation does not happen again. After Dobrindts words state test rigs are to be built at the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). “The supervision of the inspection bodies, the Federal Ministry of Transport. These additional tests should help to restore by the VW scandal playful confidence in the auto industry,” Dobrindt said.

In January, the Federal Ministry of Transport already passed several new regulations in the view taken. Technical testing services, who work for an automaker should, in future alternate in a rotation, a spokesman in Berlin had informed. The VW-study commission of the Ministry have also proposed to construct state Stands of emission of measurements. This economic dependencies between test houses and manufacturers could be avoided, according to experts.

In addition to manufacturer KBA future disclose their engine software. This would make it easier to detect any breaking devices with which a vehicle “remembers” if currently running an emissions test. Such so-called “Defeat device” are at the center of the VW exhaust scandal: The US Environmental Protection Agency had announced in mid-September that VW with the help of such software nitrogen oxide measurements (NOx) has manipulated by diesel cars in tests on test stands to the specifications of the to meet authorities. Manipulates was for diesel engines in the world up to eleven million cars of various Group brands.

The scandal has the discussion about boosting of low-emission electric cars rekindled. Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks (SPD) wants to finance a purchase premium for electric cars in part from a levy on the purchase of particularly fuel-eating cars. “I have great understanding that the Treasury will not be funded from the tax coffers purchase incentives. I therefore propose a bonus-malus scheme before,” she told the news magazine “Der Spiegel”.

This would include a “fair balance between vehicles with high CO2 emissions and those contributing with low emissions to climate protection”. With CO2 emissions of 95 grams per kilometer would accordingly be a one-time “environmental fee” of 50 euros to pay “more than 200 grams, as you would during a Porsche Cayenne, 1000 euros could be payable.” Alternatively Hendricks proposed an increase in the diesel tax. “Currently, diesel drivers pay far fewer taxes than gasoline drivers, even if we include the higher road tax,” she said. As it should be “sufficient room” for a counter-financing of electric car purchase premium.

Meanwhile, will stand as an incentive for the use of E-Cars 15 000 additional electric charging stations throughout Germany Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt. The CSU politician told the newspaper “Bild am Sonntag”: “For 300 million euros taken in hand to be establishments these charging stations among others by private investors for supermarket chains, shopping centers or DIY stores can be a business model…”


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