Sunday, April 5, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: Varoufakis meets Lagarde: Athens struggles with the IMF – ABC Online

Updated on Sunday, 05.04.2015, 13:17
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis ? Or is it already too late? The government of Athens has now presented a reform list. All information in the news ticker.

  • Athens submitted reform list.
  • Central bank: exit to Athens from the euro is not an option
  • ECB. Greek banks will no longer buy government bonds
  • . Rumors about resignation of Finance Varoufakis

Varoufakis meets Lagarde: Athens struggles with the IMF

The Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis wanted on Sunday in Washington with the boss the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, come together. “The meeting is in the context of the negotiations, the Greek government with all the institutions involved,” Sakellaridis said.

The government spokesman dismissed fears back, the upcoming trip to Russia by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras could mean a distancing of Greece by the EU. “The pro-European stance of Greece is secured”, Sakellaridis told the TV channel Mega. The Tsipras’s visit to Moscow this Wednesday should serve the bilateral relations between Greece and Russia. (12.46 clock)

Video: Merkel explains how the Greeks rescue work

The latest development Ticker:

13.40 Clock: The Greek government hopes in negotiations with international donors to timely agreement. “All sides emphasize that significant progress has been made,” the Athens government spokesman Gabriel Sakellaridis told the Sunday newspaper “Eleftheros Tipos tis Kiriakis”. “In the negotiations is still a way to go. But I think we will soon reach an agreement.”

Greek parliament seeks to blame for the financial crisis

10.59 Clock: A committee of the Greek Parliament wants to find out who was responsible for the debt crisis of the state. The Panel took a solemn meeting in Athens on his work. Greece has made international commitments as a member of the euro zone, said President Prokopis Pavlopoulos. But the country also have the right to national sovereignty. The opposition had been against the establishment of the Committee.

The investigations should the term of office of the socialist government Giorgos Papandreou (2009 to 2011), the non-party interim government Lucas Papademos (2011 to 2012) and the tenure of the coalition government the Conservatives and the Socialists (June 2012-January 2015) concern under the then Premier Antonis Samaras.

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