10:56 clock
For 2 clock, the web is on strike. In the capital and the largest part of the S-Bahn network is affected, among other things, the circle line. At the last minute the train drew up a replacement schedule – this can be found here. The Berlin have prepared well, but the streets and subways are jam-packed. GDL chief Claus Weselsky and DB executive Ulrich Weber deliver in the morning show of ARD and ZDF a slugfest. What else is new are on strike in Berlin, Germany, read constantly updated in our ticker. Have a good trip
10.58 clock -. The train is better than it has itself accepted
Now take the light rail trains from Ostbahnhof coming even to Charlottenburg. Originally, the journey should end already at Alexanderplatz. There seem to strike but less than expected driver. Nor is there but no confirmation. At the Zoo station waiting passengers at any rate patiently, even when the next train is announced only 18 minutes
10.56 Clock – Now the unknown competition union will strike. Located in the strike the GDL threatens the competing railway union ECG with its own strike. The path must submit a significantly improved offer in the next round of negotiations on Thursday, said ballast negotiator Regina Rusch-Ziemba on Wednesday. The members of the Railway and Transport union (ECG) were willing to stand up for their demands. “And that means at the end of the strike.” The ECG wants for its members six percent wage increase, but at least an increase of salaries to 150 euros. The car runs separate collective bargaining with the ECG and the train drivers’ union GDL.
10.50 clock – Alternative remote bus Two pretty women has troubled our reporter Sophie Aschenbrenner encountered at the central bus . They took three days on business in Berlin, have now returned to Eisenach. From the service hotline they learned yesterday that her train fails. Now they travel Three hours longer – and considerably less comfortable. “Better so than not at all,” they say. Early on, another woman had booked her first-class-price ticket for the ICE train to Hamburg. This morning at 9 clock came the info on your mobile phone: The connection is deleted. As a precaution, the woman had booked a remote bus ticket yesterday – for nine euro, a good tenth of the ICE price. From the strike does not stop much, “There is only power exerted on the backs of the passengers.” In spite of everything: The operation seems to run normally, no major rush than usual – this also means a ticket-checker
10.30 clock – Why is not every day. ? so Between Alex and Potsdamer Platz praises of drivers in the U2 passengers at each station by announcement for quick entry and exit “. Very jut Way to go, guys,” he says at one station. “Dit is a dream, how do you do that today. If only every day would run like that,” at another. Some guests in the crowded cars actually smile says Kevin P. Hoffmann
10.27 clock – strike in English. Anderson Figo reported from Alexanderplatz that tourists there on the platform of the S -Bahn in English about the failures are informed
10.15 clock – Greenstriking. The GDL is looking for sympathizers with environmental arguments
<. strong> 10.09 clock – congestion on the highways: The drivers in Germany have a lot of patience because of the train driver strikes, not only in Berlin (see entry of 9.43 clock). In Baden-Württemberg occurs kilometers of traffic jams, especially around Stuttgart , police in Ludwigsburg told, especially on the A81 from Singen to Stuttgart. In the area of regional rail transport is severely limited by the strike by train drivers union GDL. At times, motorists struggle through 20 km-moving traffic. Also on the highways in Hesse are noticeably more vehicles on the road, as a spokeswoman for mobile Hesse said. Particularly noticeable makes the A3 and A5 around the Frankfurt Rhine-Main
Clock 9.58 – Funnies claims. The satirical accountclaus_weselsky on Twitter approaches the Höchtsform to
Clock 9.52 – Weselsky still step up properly after: The head of the train drivers’ union GDL, Claus Weselsky, has the Deutsche Bahn blamed the strike. “Our message to the train driver to face with massive public protest against the DB management, because there the real culprits are,” he said Wednesday at the train station in the Hessian town of Fulda. The negotiations failed again Weselsky said: “We certainly have made progress in the meantime. But what the DB management has commanded at the end, was the bare provocation . “
The seventh labor dispute in the current round of negotiations, the German train drivers union wants further pressure on the German railway make. The employee had declared the negotiations after 16 rounds once again failed. Weselsky further criticized: The strategy of the railway Board is to “let the train crew starving outstretched arm.” Weselsky said that he was afraid that train drivers and train staff to be discredited in the public
9.50 Clock – The search for the chaos. “P & R facilities Reimerweg by 7 clock . nearly empty We continue by car to P &. R Olympic Stadium utilization stood at 8 cars at 0.01% The half-empty subway is waiting, problem-free driving in the city I’m sorry that I have not seen… .. sooner, “says reader” pucky “the situation in the morning. The traffic says something else, such as readers’ Muckusch “notes:”
Clock 9.47 – One man … of the other Freud While the web, given the GDL strikes incomprehension. shows, there is a big German car rental company, the forced break on the tracks quite well – and is especially GDL chief Claus Weselsky excited
9:43 – Traffic chaos for train chaos. is in Tiergarten now nothing more. Around the Victory Column on the Strasse des 17. Juni, the Star street close Up for Alt-Moabit ranges of Backflow in one direction, on the other hand come the Bus direction Hofjägerallee stopped by.
Plug also at any stopping place fixed? Let us share in the comments on the page you can voice your strike experiences below
9.41 Clock – The U5 as a ring rail replacement. Two Calls needed our colleague Angie Pohlers this morning to get on the road to the editor in the U5 and U2. “Worse than usual” it was on both lines. Your observation: If you come from the direction of Lichtenberg and otherwise umsteigt on Frankfurter Allee in the circle line (now completely fails), should have tried more to come over the U5 in the city
9:40. Clock – strike north-south tunnel: The buses to replace the S-Bahn lines that otherwise by the north-south tunnel run, ride as usual (see entry of 8.32 clock.). Thus, from SEV (Schienenersatzverkehr) today SEV (strike replacement services)
9.36 Clock – Entrenched in wage dispute: The head of the train drivers’ union GDL, Claus Weselsky , Deutsche Bahn has assigned the blame for the renewed strike. “Our message to the train driver is to provide massively with public protest against the DB management, because there the real culprits sit,” he said Wednesday at the train station in the Hessian town of Fulda.
Clock 9.33 – Not everything is on the GDL: Even without web’s strike was between Heidelberger Platz and Thielplatz at this time always cuddly, tweets Peter Gunkel. The U3 is for him the “FU-Express”. It’s high time the station in “Free University” rename …
Clock 9.28 – The storage thins out: The red zones on the road map are less visible. The rush seems to be slowly stabilizing at normal condition
Clock 9.20 – Do not panic. 43 hours to take the GDL strike. That sounds like a lot of fancy features and plenty of chaos on the routes. But it’s still gaaaaaanz otherwise
Clock 9.14 – Less taxi customers than expected. A taxi driver reported that he has not heard anything yet about the strike. He is already for 5 clock early go. In the center of the strike by the BVG is quite well absorbed. “Anyway, taxi driving is average consumer simply too expensive.” In particular, Business and sick and disabled people would use taxes, “and always travel, whether to strike or not.”
9.11 Clock – Organization is everything: And so thanks this Twitter Userin the train for the replacement schedule
9.05 Clock – focuses on Berlin, Frankfurt and Mannheim. are According to Deutsche Bahn the focus of the work stoppages in the Berlin, Frankfurt and Mannheim. The web has developed a replacement schedule, with whom she wants to make sure that 244 of the usual 805 trains can run long-distance transport. These were about 30 percent of connections , such as railway spokesman Achim Stauss was saying at an impromptu press conference in Berlin Central Station. On major routes one could even offer the usual hour .
However, Stauss spoke of “severe restrictions”. Regional transport could perform in the west about 60 percent of scheduled tours. In East but only 15 to 20 percent are possible – because there can not be used to the same extent to officials
8.58 clock. – With delay is caused by the student exchange: One and a half hours later than planned a French exchange class of Georg von Giesche school in Schöneberg is going on. Young people still need to Strasbourg today. Teacher Beate Offrich reported: “Only the children were happy about the strike, because they would have stayed longer Fortunately, all reservations were reclassified..” It was in any case not bad to drive off later at 8:30 clock are still not all the children there, meeting place was actually at 8 clock. The strike in the city seems to cause some chaos
8.55 Clock – irritation at the scoreboard. at many train stations in Germany are passengers were irritated that Painted Trains not on the scoreboard showed up – unlike in the Internet. In many places were queues at the information booths of the web.
In Berlin and Hamburg, the train offered on most lines a 20-minute intervals . The S-Bahn in Munich and Nuremberg, however, should only drive every hour. According to the Deutsche Bahn website to the main railway stations in Cologne and Essen fell from around 70 percent of the S-Bahn and regional trains. In the Rhine-Main area, the web “at least half of the compounds offer” tried by its own account,
8.49 Clock – replacement schedule “fairly stable”. is the established replacement schedule “started largely stable,” the railway announced Wednesday morning. In the long-distance transport 244 trains instead of the usual 805 would be used private rail providers are not directly affected by the strike – their trains (see ODEG, entry of 7.00 clock). However, there may be some disabilities caused by blocked tracks by the walkout of the GDL here.
The strike will last a total of 43 hours in the passenger and end this Thursday at 21.00 clock. In freight transport, the strike is planned for Friday at 9:00 clock
Clock 8.41 – According to GDL 3000 participants in the strike. 3000 locomotive engineer and conductor are, according to the GDL today in the walkout. Also said the chairman Claus Weselsky in ARD television
Clock 8.38 – Free travel for cyclists. Irritates Something is our colleague Christian Tretbar. He has now taken the bike to come from Pankow in the editor, but hectic, jam, tension on the streets because all have switched to cars and bikes? None. It was normal operation – and not stressed bike or car driver, but maybe he is driven on the wrong routes. On the ring and the tributaries to the city it provides, quite different. There it accumulates very neat (see entry of 8.09 clock).
Now it is also in the buses chaotic, at least in Köpenick how the BVG tweets.
8:32 Clock – Sense and Nonsense of a strike: colleague Markus Hesselmann indicates the curiosities of this day. Our house and yard Station Anhalt Station is due to the blocking of the north-south tunnel the train anyway locked until the 4th of May.
8.26 clock – the same picture of the regional train: Also on the platform of the regional train at Alexanderplatz impossible to get through, as the photo shows our strike Reporters
<. strong> Clock 8.22 – buck-passing game between rail and GDL on camera: GDL chief Claus Weselsky complained just a “disinformation strategy of the railway Board”, the “all pink” male. “We do not have results,” said Weselsky in the morning show, switched from Fulda. As regards the allegation of DB executive Ulrich Weber, there was a signed paper, the union said: This contains a clause by which the web “withdraw from it all” could. “It is one of only a result of what we write together.” Weselsky accused the path of a delay strategy. He remarked to content nor the web. What commands, presenter Anna planks wanted to know. Weselsky purely formal: “A written fixed intermediate result.” ? What is it really , our economics editor Alfons Frese analyzed for you: “Ten months dispute, no agreement”
8.18 Clock – How to satire. “ Claus Weselsky, the path I am, “promises the satirical accountclaus_weselsky – and proves much more, um, zeal
Clock 8.11 -. Claus Weselsky responds: The chairman of the GDL, Claus Weselsky, reacts in the morning show of ARD and ZDF on the interview with Railway Board and chief negotiator Ulrich Weber: “It sounds like he was equal burst into tears Still, he has to be responsible for the breakdown of negotiations “
8.09 Clock – Fast-paced jam Development:.. You can see at the moment almost like the red areas on the expand> Road map of the traffic information center 8.06 Clock – Cold comfort for the S-Bahn. The Onliner the Berlin S-Bahn tweet are no error messages, but only to spare timetables 8.00 Clock – subways are filling up. subway platform at Alexanderplatz is full, the U2 is now more than full capacity, according to our reporter Anderson strike Figo. Passengers now have to wait sometimes two to three trains before they can enter. . So our colleague Robert Klages Before half an hour had Mr Robert Ide experienced very different in U2: Maybe go so today all by bicycle in the city center. After entering the Schönhauser Allee station there are still enough seats, and three people in the car have enough space to scroll the Tagesspiegel. There’s way at any station kiosk Clock 7.53 – Kleist Park, just before eight . All buses towards Potsdamer Platz are packed. The U7 direction but Mehringdamm – Rudow is relatively empty. There are even seats Clock 7.50 -. What is it really? The GDL will make with the strike continued pressure on the German railway. She had declared the negotiations last Friday once again failed. Decisive is the classification of Lokrangierführer in the tariff structure of the web for the union. The track “trying to anchor as cheap Jacob in the collective agreement” this occupational group. Returns the current strikes are in the hundreds of millions. “Strike-related damage can range from single-digit million amounts quickly up to 100 million euro loss per day to grow,” says Dieter Schweer, Member of the Executive Board of the Federation of German Industry (BDI). Clock 7.44 – Hardly something going on at the main station: yawning emptiness on the stairs. So at this time, normally, it sees not. is not much operating Even in newsagents, a few individuals move through the magazines. Otherwise, it was at this time much fuller, says a seller. “This is certainly the strike.” In a bakery, three salespeople behind the counter. Today, much less was going on than usual. “We notice of course the turnover Moreover, as time goes by a lot slower when you are dealing with less,” says one of them. 7.40 Clock – Chaos on the streets: Prepare your Travel Time today quietly generous if you have any of busy commuter train routes as the live Strausberg. A commuter from Fredersdorf reports our colleague Ralf Nestler this morning, they took me to the car instead of the usual 35 minutes to Lichtenberg 1 hour and 15 minutes. Quiet location for on the U3 Krumme Lanke direction Nollendorfplatz: Business as Usual, neither more bikes more people, no shoving, no nagging. More bikes from Nollendorf to the editorial office at Askanischen place? Maybe a few reports colleague Christian Böhme of his way to work Clock 7.32 – passengers are well prepared. The DB travel center at the main station filling up slowly. Now come more and more people that run a number and wait. The other hand, right unemployed are the ladies at the information desk of the S-Bahn. The people are well aware that the main train station and bulky buses – and taxes 7.24 clock – Late stand up for railway strike. Oliver Weber with his grandmother on the road and bring it to the train , Gisela bona Stecki need for a cure, since it is hard of hearing. She wanted at 6 clock, take the train, now it is only at 7.34 clock to Frankfurt and from there yet. Annoying: “I have no place card more,” said the old lady. And the two hours transfer time in Frankfurt would not necessarily have to be. Yesterday they had informed himself and waited half an hour in the service hotline. At least one good thing about the matter: “I had to get up much later today,” says the grandson laughs and Clock 7.19 – Train wants to continue negotiations. “Great incomprehension” for the strike has Ulrich Weber , Railway Board and chief negotiator in the wage dispute, just expressed in the ARD television. They had “made good progress in a very intense negotiations”. Since Friday, a paper exists with signature of the web. Weber: “What is missing is the signature of the GDL, they can make up any time.” He rejected the allegation of the union, the web games on time and wait for a law the bargaining unit during the summer, so as not to have to deal with small unions. “We want a result,” Weber said the GDL chief Claus Weselsky urged to return to the negotiating table. “The GDL has given us the failure explained without giving reasons for the failure.” Background of the labor dispute , our economics editor Alfons Frese analyzed for you: “Ten months dispute, no agreement” 7.17 Clock – access. locked to the S-Bahn track: Once again passengers wanted to S-Bahn, the stairs were blocked as provisional measure to the track at the main station. 7.11 Clock – Melissa Etheridge in orbit? This Twitter Userin worries tonight could turn a concert to which it wants to go. Incidentally, the hashtag is #bahnstreik already trending topic in Germany 7.08 Clock – On Alex’s it. Of the tourists who could not speak German, except it is relatively quiet at Alexanderplatz , Most knowledgeable local passengers use the U2 as an alternative. Although the full, but runs without major problems Speaking of U2 . The uses his colleague Robert Ide on his way to the office and expresses deep via Twitter Gratitude for the BVG Clock 7.03 – Getting annoyed passengers at Central Station. Eva Bech is annoyed: she has booked her mother for a train that goes down now. Although there is a replacement buses, but they have scruples, as their mother, moreover, is sick. Until this has yet to travel to Warsaw – certainly with some detours. “I definitely want my money back,” says Bech. The whole thing was terribly Clock 7.00 – ODEG drives. One thing we know for sure: The connection to Cottbus and in other cities around Berlin this morning ensured. The trains ODEG are not affected by the strike. The Regional Express ODEG Cottbus is accordingly fully. People accumulate in the aisles 6.57 Clock – risk of congestion increases. The image on the streets of Berlin is changing rapidly, like a second look at the map of the traffic information center displays Clock 6.53 – tourists in Alexanderplatz seek advice: Many tourists do not understand what is happening in Berlin, there is information in German only. Our reporter Anderson Figo reported that most of them would try to go to the main train station and buses use as an alternative to the train. The information is transmitted only on the rail platform of speakers, so many foreigners ask other passengers for help 6.49 Clock – alternatives in transport. Berlin can within the city limits, of course, the BVG take . Replace it can not train though. The country’s business continues even in normal operation the limit. “On Demand” wants to create in the tram “selective reinforcements” with longer vehicles or more cars, the BVG. Note: The traffic on the U2 between Gleisdreieck and Wittenberg Platz is interrupted due to construction. Between Potsdamer Platz and reversing triangle trains run only once every ten minutes. Our traffic expert Klaus Kurpjuweit and Mohamed Amjahid have written to you who trains are scheduled to where today and tomorrow 6.46 clock railways – national:. German Railway expects that, in regional and suburban rail services on Wednesday and Thursday go 15 to 60 percent of the trains , long-distance transport, it should be about one third. In East Germany, but major effects of the strike were to be expected than in other regions, said a spokeswoman for the company in the early hours of Wednesday. In the current labor dispute between the train and the train drivers’ union GDL is the current strike, strikes counted, even the seventh work stoppage since September 2014th 6.40 Clock – Lorenz Maroldt is encouraging: He spread his checkpoint in the strike-day good news from the S-Bahn: “The construction the north-south tunnel so good as finished , the distance between Yorckstraße and healthy wells (S1 and S2) is opened again soon – and time on May 4 at 1:30 clock in five days (27/4). but rattles first time Messzug through the tunnel to check whether the trains also go anywhere Let’s hope the best – yeah, right. trust we simply times it “. Clock 6.36 – ICE traffic rolls to: Good news for the passengers of the ICE train to Interlaken Ost travels, her train goes as planned from 6.32. He’s been pretty full, passengers seem to have so informed before. Otherwise, it is still quiet on the platforms at the main station, the train to Dusseldorf and Bonn go almost on time -. If the display does Clock 6.31 – Dodge on the road? This morning were significantly more cars on the streets of Berlin on the road, the rush is likely to be dense in the entire city. That’s also when looking at the traffic ticket already apparent: On the A111 (Reinickendorf feeder) is towards the city center at the junction Eichborndamm the driveway Antonienstraße for locked to high traffic load. This is actually normal, but today a little earlier to have occurred on other days. +++ Defect vehicle on the A100 (ring road) : This is why the right lane in the direction of Wedding on the Rudolf-Wissel Bridge locked. +++ All error messages Motorists will find continuously on the sides of the traffic information center +++ Jam also at junction radio tower at the junction Siemensdamm . Here is the A100 due to excessive Verkehrsbeöastung also close 6.26 Clock – yet it is quiet at Central Station. Our strike reporter Sophie Aschenbrenner is our Location Berlin Central Station in view. It’s still there, relatively quiet, they reported just on the phone. On the scoreboard relatively many trains were struck, which can drive. Before the specially established information booth in the DB but already long queues 6.22 Clock – replacement schedule in words. And here the overview of the information of the Berlin S-Bahn + in words ++ There go NOT : the circle line (S41, S42), S45, S47, S75, S8, S85 +++ There go the 20-minute intervals : S1 , S2, S25, S3, S46, S5 (with SEV between Strausberg Nord Strausberg), S7, S9 +++ This information applies during the day, in the evening there is also from this schedule deviations. 6.17 Clock – replacement schedule of the Berlin S-Bahn: The S-Bahn wants to let go of as many trains as possible. This so perhaps come to public paths to the goal, there is this replacement schedule. We will keep you up to date, so if a piece of normality can be produced Clock 6.12 – strike hits high school graduates. fun does not do it, to agonize through the graduation exams , And now even straddling the train driver the Berlin school students between, who now lay their performance records 6.05 Clock – The U2 is full. Yet has just Udo Lindenberg here live the special train sung by Pankow, today is not even his guitar fit in the car. The U2, which usually crosses the entire city is full anyway just interrupted because of the blocked north-south tunnel the train and also due to roadworks between Gleisdreieck and Wittenberg Platz. This Wednesday morning now she is experiencing a rappalerappelrappelrappelvollen rush hour – because the BVG long runs on the limit. . Since not even notice that the trains run only every ten minutes between Potsdamer Platz and reversing triangle Clock 6.00 – The ring is: First, the most important message: The S Bahn has set the main ring path. She was supposed to be a replacement for the route due to construction locked north-south connection between health and well Yorckstraße. In addition, the journeys of the lines fall S 45, S 47, S 75, S 8 and S 85 from – more details, click here. On the other routes, the S-Bahn attempted every 20 minutes to drive. But this has not always worked in previous strikes.

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