service employees train inform travelers during a GDL strikes. A top-level meeting was on Wednesday without result at the end of (Photo: AP).
Frankfurt After top-level talks in the wage dispute with the GDL train drivers’ union, the German Railways has submitted a new offer. Wages should rise according to the proposal from the 1st July in two steps by a total of 4.7 percent, as the railway announced in Frankfurt late on Wednesday. In addition a one-off payment of a total of 1000 euros to 30 June.
The interview itself took, according to the company no “agreed outcome”. The union was not immediately be reached for comment
Railway Strike . A train to nowhere
Bahn personnel chief Ulrich Weber said in a statement:. “. Our offer is nearly as high as for instance the conclusion of the public service” he had met in the afternoon with GDL chief Claus Wiselsky.
The union demands for employees five percent more money and one hour less work per week. She had most recently on strike last week in passenger and freight traffic. The sticking point in collective bargaining provides the GDL in the classification of the tariff structure Lokrangierführer train.
The company criticized the train drivers union had substantial concessions to the tariff structure withdrawn at the meeting again. “What does the GDL, would our employees and the company German Railways harm,” said Weber. If the GDL reject the resumption of negotiations, the train hit a conciliation procedure on all points before
Topic:. German Railway
The conflict is so difficult because the GDL with the larger Railway and Transport union (ECG) is fighting for influence in the group. Both want to negotiate in part for the same professions. The train will achieve comparable results in separate negotiations.
The EVG concluded on Wednesday in turn strikes expressly not made. The occasion was a new offer for the railway service and security forces: in two stages with a term of 29 months, as the union announced 4.7 percent more money.
The TOE calls 6 percent, at least 150 euros. She criticized the Bahn offer different terms for different occupational groups. In the next round of negotiations on 12 May the train must make improvements.

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