For the morning rush hour on Friday, the German railway assumes that cancellations in North then only -Westphalia are still the exception. “Overnight stay eight of us hours of time to make the necessary preparations for the start of operation,” said a spokesman for Deutsche Bahn. On Wednesday and Thursday, the company could offer only about a third of passenger trains.
So people have to spend again on Thursday on many routes in North Rhine-Westphalia lot of patience in rail transportation. In regional trains and suburban trains the DB could therefore provide only a limited offer on its feet again. “The replacement schedule is very stable, the busy routes are served,” said an announcer. Due to high demand, the train six stops in the NRW-oriented transport additional.
Many commuters dodged on carpooling or their own cars. To relieve the highway traffic, the State Department of Transportation had the NRW Road disposed to give up most worksites to strikers. Private rail providers did not affect the GDL walkout, their trains ran. Long-distance buses and taxis benefited from the transfer of passengers on other means of transport.
The impact of the train driver strikes have felt in the country and businesses. In freight transport drove across Germany since Tuesday only every second train as a spokeswoman for the rail freight subsidiary DB Schenker Rail announced. The company had to short seek other means of transport, such as truck.
“The acquired confidence in transport by rail is long term destroyed by a multi-day strike,” said the chief executive of the German Freight Forwarders and Logistics Association (DSLV) Frank Huster for 66 hours GDL strike in the DB freight.
The port operator Rhine Cargo reported by strike-related cancellations. By Thursday afternoon, a container train from Neuss were canceled in Northern Italy Gallarate and a train in the Hungarian capital Budapest. In each case a container train to connect Neuss-Hamburg and Cologne Grossenkneten were also canceled due to lack of trains. “The effects are limited, but we have trouble getting our personnel by train to the Abfahrpunkte” said the Rhine Cargo spokesman.
The strike will GDL pressure on the German railway exercise. She explains the collective bargaining last Friday once again failed. The nationwide walkout is already the seventh Warnstreik- or strike action since the beginning of the labor dispute.

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