Saturday, April 25, 2015

German bank wants to sell: What will change for me as Postbank customer? – ABC Online

Saturday, 25.04.2015, 13:20 · FOCUS-Online Editor Mark Voss
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The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank has decided: Postbank sold – or floated. What changes as a result of Postbank customers? ABC Online clarifies the nine most important questions.

The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank has decided to move away from the Postbank to separate. Be considered a sale or IPO. The post office bank receives six years after the detachment of Deutsche Post again a new owner. What is this changes for Postbank customers?

FOCUS Online answered the nine most important questions.

. 1 Who could buy Postbank

As a prospective traded?

The Commerzbank might succeed with the help of Postbank the undisputed market leader in retail banking. The branch network of HypoVereinsbank in Germany so far is limited to a few regional clusters. The Unicredit-HVB daughter would receive with Postbank the chance of a nationwide network.

BNP and Santander would be able to enter the German retail market by means of Postbank. Both are in this country only in niches active: BNP via direct bank Consorsbank, Santander was known as a provider of consumer loans. Due to the strategic importance for novices, experts believe that the French and Spanish.

. 2 What happened to the branches?

persist. Postbank offer their services in 1100 and 4500 financial centers partner Deutsche Post retail outlets. Almost all major post offices, where the bank is located, including Postbank and not the post office. Only the postal agencies are part of the yellow Logistics Group. The German Post has concluded with Postbank a service contract, which stipulates that the Postbank offers postal services in its stores. This contract runs until 2020 and would be also copied from a buyer. Therefore, it is unlikely that after a takeover Postbank branches closed w ith – rather already stores the purchaser

The service contract is also a stumbling block for sale.. It prevents it namely that a buyer of Postbank, for example, make a pure online bank. Unless it were possible to reach an agreement with the post office.

. 3 Change my account number (IBAN, BIC)?

No change. Postbank operates under a separate legal entity and its own bank codes. Those staying at a sale made.

. 4 Do I need to use another ATM?

Within the cities the ATM network is relatively dense and sufficient. Finally, Postbank customers can withdraw cash free on all machines of the Cash Group – including in the branches of Commerzbank, HypoVereinsbank, Deutsche Bank, Bank Noris – and the Bremer Bank Neelmeyer.

Outside the cities, all of these big banks barely represented. According to thin the available state network. However, Postbank customers can in many Shell stations withdraw money.

If Santander to

buy the bank, the access to vending machines would probably change. For Santander is a member of the competition group cash pool to which, inter alia, the Sparda banks, the Targo Bank and the BBBank well as some smaller banks belong.

. 5 Changes the product offer?

The Postbank attracts their customers for years with a free checking account and high interest rates on an online savings account. The savings interest rates were already scaled back under the Deutsche Bank, and the checking account pays off in the current low interest rates barely – because the bank can create sight deposits of their customers anywhere profitable. It is quite possible that would free current accounts therefore abolish an acquirer.

As a credit bank Postbank could never really establish in the minds of their customers. That could change if Santander or BNP enter that operate this business clearly offensive.

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. 6 What happens to the BHW?

The BHW is also part of Postbank. After the purchase by the German bank was initially expected that this integrates the building society in their own building society activities. However, this did not happen

Whether a buyer BHW -. Once the abbreviation for “official home of work” – would operate on, is uncertain. Commerzbank and HypoVereinsbank have no own building societies, but work with partners. Santander and BNP building society business from their home markets is totally unknown. In addition, the building societies are suffering at the moment from a falling new business and relatively high-interest existing contracts. Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephen Weikl worries already publicly about 2400 jobs at the company headquarters in Hameln.

. 7 Does my online banking on?

The multi-channel capability is one of the strengths of Postbank. No other bank in Germany enables its customers to simultaneously access via branch, telephone, letter (transfers, checks) or online and via App. It is quite possible that it has keenest to this area a buyer. Unlikely that the IT system is turned off.

. 8 Should I change the securities account?

The Postbank, a larger number of client portfolios. Nevertheless, the Company is not considered a strength of the bank. A buyer BNP would certainly strike the Consorsbank the depots at Santander is not even clear that the Spaniards might be interested in hesitating German shareholders. HVB and Commerzbank would probably also dissolve the unit and transfer the securities accounts in their own offer.

. 9 What is consist with my insurance?

Insurance customers have completed a Post Bank consultant, remain. For their contractual partner is not the Postbank, but the respective insurance partners. The majority of the policies of Postbank customers may meet the Talanx Group (HDI) account, which had taken over the insurance activities of the Postal Bank in 2007.

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