Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Apple: The money grows on mountain $ 194 billion – SPIEGEL ONLINE

Apple is rolling in cash. $ 13.6 billion earned in the first three months of the year, the iPhone maker. The cash reserves are characterized risen sharply – to just $ 193.5 billion, as much as about two-thirds of the German federal budget for the year 2015. They laid within three months to 15.5 billion dollars.

Much of this money, more than 160 billion dollars, the Group has long-term. But that still remain more than 33 billion, which are comparatively available shortly.

Shareholders will now benefit more from the Group’s wealth. $ 70 billion wants to use to their advantage the company. Apple wants it mainly own shares purchased, a measure that leads commonly, the stock price rises – and with it the value of the shares held by investors

Including announced previously and distributions made. Apple wants to 2017 now employ a total of 200 billion dollars in the interests of shareholders. The dividend Apple has increased – by eleven percent to 52 cents per share. The Apple price rose

after trading hours.

The most successful product of the Group is still the iPhone. Its sales rose year on year by 40 percent to nearly 61.2 million units. With $ 40.3 billion, the iPhone generated a total of more than two-thirds of the business. The key growth driver is the Chinese market: from there came to $ 16.8 billion, almost 29 percent of the business

A vulnerability remains the sales of the iPad tablet.. In a comparison of sales fell by almost a quarter to 12.6 million units. The sale of the tablet is cannibalized by Apple itself. Many customers buy an iPad instead prefer one iPhone or Apple’s thin laptop, the MacBook Air.

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