Friday, April 24, 2015

Volkswagen does not come to rest – THE WORLD

It was a short but violent storm that swept over Wolfsburg on Thursday, Salzburg and Stuttgart since. At 12.07 clock ran the Breaking News, Volkswagen Supervisory Board Chairman Ferdinand Piech work continues on the lintel of CEO Martin Winterkorn. Two hours later, a call in Salzburg, the home of the VW Piëch and Porsche families. It Ferdinand Piëch the “world” says: “I do not operate the replacement of Martin Winterkorn.”

Crucial is the rate charged by the VW Patriarch afterwards pushed. “Mr. Winterkorn and I have argued last week. We agreed to continue our cooperation.” So Piëch is doing what he wanted to avoid, according to participants of the board meeting last Thursday sure: He speaks Winterkorn be trustworthy, and he puts his disempowerment plans from final. At least officially. He has the CEO, which he had left at a distance, he had so fair game strengthened unexpectedly. For Piëch that means after the vote defeat in the Cause Winterkorn Bureau of the Supervisory Board a second heavy defeat. By now, Ferdinand Piëch is seriously injured.

The recent storm had been brewing Wednesday night. Since people familiar with the operations had the “world” entrusted supervisory board chairman Ferdinand Piëch plan to continue the disempowerment Martin Winterkorn. Up to the Supervisory Board meeting on May 4, the VW patriarch would pave the way for a change at the top of the Management Board. On May 5, then the General Meeting is held. “Piëch wants to convince the first step, the family that Winterkorn no longer the right man as chief executive is,” it said in a corporate environment and owning families. “It is now up to the family members, especially the Porsches, approached to explore alternatives to individual meetings Winterkorn.” The information has been confirmed in the field of Volkswagen.

enforce Reportedly tried Piëch, either Porsche CEO Matthias Mueller or Skoda CEO Winfried Vahland as his successor. “Miller would be to give the Porsches only because he can be considered as one of their chief of Porsche AG,” it said. The Porsche family should have advised Wednesday night in a family meeting in Stuttgart on the advance Piëch. The outcome of the talks is not known.

Piëch had turned away days ago almost 14 with the quote “I am to distance Winterkorn” by the Board Boss. However, despite the attack Winterkorn remained as VW boss in office. When emergency meeting of the Supervisory Bureau last Thursday in Salzburg Piëch was overruled by a vote of all the members of the Panel. The bitter defeat, but

especially the subsequent press release and the fact that details of the meeting were scattered in the press should have Piëch further applied and further spurred his fighting spirit. Who knows the 78-year-old knows that the are not fared too quickly.

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