Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Labor dispute: Millions rail passengers affected by new strikes – THE WORLD

million rail passengers have again been struggling for Wednesday with cancellations and delays: The train drivers’ union GDL expanded their strike at Deutsche Bahn in the night passenger trains from.

As a spokeswoman for the train confirmed the walkout began passenger at 02.00 clock. The replacement schedule should be established “started largely stable,” the train announced Wednesday morning. In long-distance trains 244 would be used instead of the usual 805.

In the long-distance trains 244 would be used instead of the usual 805. The state-owned company also Approximately expected in regional and suburban railway traffic driving 15 to 60 percent of the trains on Wednesday and Thursday.

one third of the distance trains go, said the railway spokeswoman in Berlin. She referred to the replacement schedule, which came into force because of the strike. He was found on the website of the web.

Confusion at major stations

However, provided the German railway with their display boards at stations on Wednesday morning when many travelers confusion. The screens around the main train stations in Frankfurt and Berlin showed despite the strike no unusual features. Instead, only the much lower links of the replacement schedule could be seen.

Photo: AP The platforms were unusually empty on Wednesday morning at the Berlin Central Station

Many commuters and travelers searched in vain for clues to trains, with whom she had wanted to go. On the Internet, however, failed connections were reported.

In the current wage dispute, the train drivers’ union GDL has extended their strike on Wednesday to passenger. Thus million commuters and travelers have to change to other modes of transport.

The strike in passenger should last a total of 43 hours and go on Thursday night to end. The freight is on strike since Tuesday afternoon until Friday morning. Reason is the continuing for ten months labor dispute between Deutsche Bahn and GDL. In the labor dispute is already the seventh strike by train drivers.

Big Impact on East

How To expected, for example, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern be major limitations especially for commuters. Around 70 percent of all trains fall there on Wednesday, a spokesman for the railway said. “I advise anyone who is necessarily a guide to the replacement schedule on our website.” A free service phone is connected. It is registered under number 08000 99 66 33 to reach.

  • Burst negotiations
  • Lokrangierführer
  • Position of the GDL
  • position of the web
  • collective bargaining
  • money
  • Act on the bargaining unit,

The web has established replacement schedules for several routes in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. On some routes, buses, for example between Rostock and Hamburg. The schedule is very

thinned, said the railway spokesman.

In Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia is a replacement schedule in force. Travelers must there take on regional and local as well as long-distance trains significant limitations into account.

Three-digit million range

The cost of the current strikes for the German economy are estimated by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) in the three-digit million range as the “image” reported. “Takes a strike for several days, come slightly above 100 million euros a day as strike costs to the company,” said GCIC chief economist Alexander Schumann the sheet. The total cost of the collective dispute thus

increased to more than 600 million euros. The GDL will make with the strike further pressure on the German railway. She had declared the negotiations last Friday once again failed. As a crucial point she described the classification of Lokrangierführer in the tariff structure of the web. The track “trying to anchor as cheap Jacob in the collective agreement” this occupational group.

The GDL chairman Claus Weselsky also criticized, even after 16 collective bargaining rounds since the summer 2014 lacked still results in key issues. He cited a limiting overtime. The GDL also requires five percent more money and one hour less work per week.

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