Date: 27/04/2015 21:08 clock
Old shop – new name: Uniper to the future part of E.ON hot, in the conventional generation of the energy group is summarized. The green residue of E.ON to move -. Back to the Ruhr
It is a kind of nuclear fission in-house. No other utilities reacts as radical as E.ON on the consequences of the energy revolution: Germany’s largest utility is scrapped virtually self: in a green Future E.ON with green energy, small-scale customer solutions and power grids on one side and the suffering profit slumps coal, gas and nuclear power plants on the other. In short, in a new and an old energy world
Both worlds have been so far apart that they “require each OWNER constant entrepreneurial approaches,” explained E.ON CEO Johannes Teyssen splitting. This was “like football and handball.. It’s all about the ball, but not even Bayern Munich would have in the Handball Bundesliga a chance”
Central pulls into the Ruhr
For Teyssen states to move soon: from the former headquarters in Dusseldorf for food. For there the new green E.ON will work with its 40,000 employees are domiciled, which is headed by the 55-year-old.
In the previous Eon headquarters in Dusseldorf, however, is from next year a new name emblazoned on the buildings, “Uniper” – this is the new power plant business. Uniper, which is a portmanteau, proposed by an employee and selected from 3000 proposals. It stands for “Unique Performance”, so unique performance, E.ON announced after a Board meeting.
From On to Off?
Internally, however,
At E.ON already running staff-reduction program: 1500 people have to go this year; addition to the other 10,500 whose jobs have been deleted since 2011. At least 100 million euro cost splitting. Costs that would of course not be allocated to electricity prices due to competition.
Very solid companies?
The now pending splitting not see all positive. E.ON critics had accused the company trying to steal possibly with EU distribution of responsibility and liability, eg for the multibillion-dollar costs through decommissioning of nuclear power plants. That is nonsense, Teyssen. The separated branch was not Resterampe and no bad bank. They would eventually no solid balance sheet and would only accumulate losses. “This is all not the case here, but these are well-financed companies.”
The power plant division Create completely debt-free and also get the group’s entire nuclear liabilities in an amount of about 14.5 billion euros. Early 2016 Uniper start working. E.ON will sell out later majority on the stock exchange. But it is still unclear what happened to the address of the future Uniper headquarters in recent E.ON headquarters: Because the building is calculated on Eon No.1 ranked

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