Date: 27/04/2015 16:48 clock
In the negotiations with donors there is obviously important personnel changes on the Greek side. According to media go the expense of Finance Varoufakis. For the Federal Government, the recent calls “somewhat frustrating.”
The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras draws from the slow negotiations with international donors apparently personal consequences.
Several news agencies report, citing government sources, be it a government working group for political negotiations with donors convened. Although these belong to Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. The coordination but would have Vice Foreign Minister Euclid Tsakalotos. The 55-year-old professor of economics applies in contrast to Varoufakis rather than restrained during public appearances.
In the dispute over the reform plans to tackle the debt crisis Varoufakis was last Friday at a meeting of euro zone finance ministers been sharply criticized.
Also chief negotiator is apparently replaced
According to information from the news agency dpa is also the chief negotiator of the Greek delegation to the donors replaced. Accordingly, Giorgos Chouliarakis replaces the Varoufakis confidant Nikos Theocharakis. The new chief negotiator was already under the conservative-social democratic government, as those skilled in the negotiations there and to donor confidence have.
Tsipras said his finance minister at the same time the trust from. It was reported from government, he said, Varoufakis is to “target the international press” become. But he would continue to “work for a sustainable solution”. A government official told the Reuters news agency: “The Minister of Finance shall act in accordance with the joint decisions of the government.”
“negotiations somewhat frustrating”
A spokesman for Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble called the negotiations with Greece” somewhat frustrating. ” It was hoped that Tsipras’s government on May 11, presenting a robust reform concept to the next regular meeting of department heads.
The Euro countries had the utility of the danger of bankruptcy Greece extended in February by another four months to the end of June. Prerequisite for further financial assistance to undertake reforms for which the new government in Athens but so far has not provided any plans. Date for this was actually the end of April.
But no increase in the minimum wage?
The “Bild” newspaper reported Tsipras Forwarding provisionally on the plan to increase the minimum wage. He now wants to stop the controversial early retirement and reduce supplementary pensions, the paper writes, citing Greek government sources. In addition, the head of government wants to impose a new tax on luxury holidays to the Greek Islands. You should take the place of the information required by the Euro Group VAT increase, which would have gone to the expense of the Greek population. Tsipras intention to submit the proposals at a meeting of the Euro Group on Wednesday.

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