Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lowest unemployment rate since April 1991 – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung



          Unemployment decreases – in parts of Germany there is now virtually full employment .



The number of unemployed in Germany has fallen in April as usual for the season. However: With 2.843 million unemployed, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) posted the lowest unemployment in April since 1991. As the authorities announced further in Nuremberg on Thursday, these were 89,000 fewer unemployed than in March and 100,000 fewer than a year earlier .


The unemployment rate fell month on month by 0.3 percentage points to 6.5 percent. The positive trend set continues, said BA chief executive Frank-Jürgen Weise. “The social security contributions and the notified bodies continue to develop positively.”


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A decline in registered unemployment in April usual because of the improvement in the weather, among other things, employment in outdoor occupations such as increases in construction and agriculture. But even adjusted for seasonal influences, the number of unemployed went

back: Seasonally adjusted, fell loudly BA compared to March 8000 in order to 2.792 million. Prior to respondent banks economists had expected but a decrease by 13,000.




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German Economy

Lowest April unemployment rate since 1991.

Some 2.8 million German in April had no job: So few were it ever since German reunification. Newly developed are also many social insurance contributions.

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