Sunday, April 5, 2015

On rare autoimmune disease ill: lawyers: Middelhoff suffered in … – ABC Online

Sunday, 05.04.2015, 10:31
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Was Thomas Middelhoff suicidal during the pre-trial detention? His prison chief had no doubt and let him around the clock to monitor. For the lawyers of the ex-manager a monstrous procedure: They say Middelhoff have 672 hours can not sleep – and suffer since an autoimmune disease

    Lawyers: JVA food left Middelhoff arouse
  • Middelhoff every 15 minutes suffered in custody allegedly to 672 hours of sleep
  • Ex-Manager suffer now on autoimmune disease

The lawyers of Thomas Middelhoff have made serious allegations against the judiciary after a report by the “Bild am Sonntag”. According to its appeal against detention Middelhoff could not sleep for a period of 672 hours because it was during the day and at night awakened every 15 minutes. At issue here is the first four weeks of pre-trial detention in the prison food. From mid-November to mid-December he was in his cell constantly monitored, because the Essenes Justice saw a suicide risk

The Middelhoff defender write in their custody complaint. So far, no case is known in which the sleep deprivation was carried out in a U-prisoner for four weeks. The lawyers believe that the permanent sleep deprivation was the cause of a serious illness in prison. Middelhoff suffers according to “Bild am Sonntag” now on the rare autoimmune disease chilblain lupus and had to end of February brought for a week Essen University Hospital.

growths and eczema

The newspaper writes, among other things, had been found in the earlier Manager fluid retention as well as tumors of the lower legs, eczema on the hands and feet.

The drugs that doctors prescribed him could lead as side effects ‘buffalo hump’, muscle weakness, and stomach discomfort.

“A typical case of a balance-suicide”

In its statement, the lawyers doubt that there had ever been a suicide threat at Middelhoff. Three days after his admission to prison, a prison doctor had determined that no risk of suicide would have been

The head of the prison food, Alfred Doliwa, defends itself against the allegations. “If someone is about to lose everything, is the the typical case of a balance-suicide, “he told the” Bild am Sonntag “. Therefore, he had ordered the “irregular observation at time intervals of 15 minutes or less around the clock.” “The life of the prisoner has precedence. What would have happened if Mr. Middelhoff which would have done to you? “

sentenced to three years in prison

The former head of the now bankrupt previous Karstadt’s parent company Arcandor was on November 14, from Essen district court sentenced to three years in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion and was arrested in the courtroom.

The damage caused by Middelhoff figured the judges to around 500,000 euros. Middelhoff however, appealed against the judgment. It is therefore not yet final. The Manager has always denied the charges against him.

The Harder They Fall

A few years ago was Middelhoff as one of the most influential managers in Germany. As Bertelsmann CEO he made billions for the Gütersloher media giant, after which he worked as an investment banker in London. When he took over the executive chair at the weakened department store chain Karstadt Quelle, he was greeted by the staff as a savior.

But the home in which later changed its name to Arcandor trading company proved for the manager as a turning point in his career. Middelhoff failed despite feverish efforts to achieve a sustainable recovery of the retail giant. He eventually had to vacate the executive chair in early 2009. A few months later, the company filed for bankruptcy

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