Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sleep deprivation and autoimmune disease: Lawyers Thomas Middelhoff make … – STAR

T homas Middelhoff, imprisoned former top manager is reportedly seriously ill. “Bild am Sonntag” reported to have had a glimpse of “judicial documents” in which the health of 61-year-olds will be discussed. Thus were with him, “water retention and constipation” established tumors as well as on the lower legs and eczema on the hands and feet. In February, a dermatologist had the extremely rare autoimmune disease lupus Chilblain diagnosed with Middelhoff, the newspaper said. A disease that actually almost exclusively occurs in women and has to do with sensitivity to cold, which causes the body to speak himself fought.

mid-November 2014 was Middelhoff for embezzlement and tax evasion sentenced to three years in prison and immediately taken to jail because of risk of flight. Since then, he sits in the prison food. He was treated for his illness a week in the University Hospital of Essen and controlled with medical end of February.

672 sleepless hours

According to the report have Middelhoff’s lawyers also an explanation as to why her client was so sick: sleep deprivation in prison. An adhesive complaint has already been submitted

The Arcandor chief had in the four weeks of detention -. “Over a period of 672 Hours” – can not sleep, they say. Middelhoff had been awakened day and night every 15 minutes. According to “Bild am Sonntag” the defenders had compared the conditions of detention with the US detention center at Guantanamo, “where the maximum duration of sleep deprivation located at 180 hours,” I.

“The life of the prisoner has precedence”

In fact, the Essenes Justice looked at Middelhoff a suicide risk, leading to regular monitoring. The head of the detention center in Essen, Alfred Doliwa, defends itself against the allegations in the newspaper: “If someone is about to lose everything, which is the typical case of a balance-suicide Life of the prisoner has precedence..” After several discussions with the prisoner had been decided to end the comprehensive monitoring.

mid-March had the Oberlandesgericht Hamm involved in the custody complaint, it said. An association between lack of sleep and the disease has not been established, the report said. That Middelhoff was confirmed ill. Furthermore, since there is great risk of flight, the former manager must remain in custody.


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