Saturday, April 4, 2015

+++ +++ Greece crisis: “After Easter, everything is paid” – Greeks cart … – ABC Online

Updated on Saturday, 04.04.2015, 16:45
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Find EU and Greece still a way out of the crisis ? Or is it already too late? The government of Athens has now presented a reform list. All information in the news ticker.

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16.30 Clock: Greek Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis traveling for talks with the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde , to Washington. As the Athenian Treasury announced on Saturday, to be held the meeting this Sunday . In the informal discussions the reform program of the Greek government should be discussed

“Everything is paid” – Schulz warns Greeks before division of Europe

14.03 clock. Greece will be paid in the coming week all of its financial obligations – including a loan of 460 million euros from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “Everything has to be paid next week, the IMF, the salaries, pensions will be paid,” a government official said at the weekend the AFP news agency. European Parliament President Martin Schulz (SPD) warned Athens in the face of an upcoming trip to Moscow by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras against trying to divide Europe.

The Greek Interior Minister Nikos Voutzis had threatened a few days ago, an April 9 to postpone repayment due to the IMF, because initially pensions and salaries would be paid. That would be a partial default equaled – with incalculable consequences. A “Grexit” – a Euro-off for Athens – would no longer be ruled out, warned the Belgian Finance Minister Johan Van Overtfeldt Saturday’s news portal “Spiegel Online”. “It’s an opportunity that would cope with the euro zone.”

12.35 Clock: The Greek Government claims to have enough money to next week pensions and salaries for public employees to pay . This assured the Deputy Finance Minister Dimitris Mardas on Saturday at the TV station Mega. “That does not mean that we have no more money in the next week.”

Athens’ll also due next Thursday loan of around 450 million euros to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to repay. “The payment to the IMF will take place on April 9,” said Mardas. The sum was in the treasury. The payment was a political decision. For this purpose, only lacking the job of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

“There are still issues of a political nature. The funds for the payment of wages and pensions and to pay off all further payment obligations exist ” Mardas said. But he left open to the political problems there they were. According to Greek media reports, Athens hopes in the negotiations with the international lenders new progress at a meeting of the Finance Secretaries of the Euro Group on 8 and 9 April.

Moscow wants to Athens no financial aid gives

10.48 Clock: Just before the Russia visit of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras start speculation about the future cooperation between the two countries. As the agency “Bloomberg” reported citing government sources, wants Moscow Athens no financial support send

For the Greeks can expect another support. Russia’s government is thinking about it Greece rid of the Europe-wide import restrictions . The EU Member States had imposed due to the crisis in Ukraine sanctions against Russia, which in turn responded with a ban on imports of food from the EU.

Tsipras had always criticized this approach. Greece and Russia traditionally have close relationships, also because both countries are Christian Orthodox.

If the information is correct, Greece was the only EU country, the food should deliver to Russia. The agricultural industry is the second largest export sector of the Hellenes. It is, however, unlikely that a country could leave the EU position alone

EU Parliament chief Schulz warns EU-split

9.00 clock. European Parliament President Martin Schulz (SPD) before traveling the Greek government to Russia Alexis Tsipras of a split in the EU warned . Schulz called Tsipras in the “Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung” on, “not to alienate” its European partners. With its reform and list his visit to Berlin Tsipras had begun to regain confidence and reliability. But it was “unacceptable” if he so now speculating that “the single European attitudes about the Russian policy is at stake” in return for Russian help.

Similarly, expressed the Chairman of the Bundestag European Affairs Committee, Gunther Krichbaum (CDU). If the Greek government think I can find their “soul” is now in Moscow, then put them “on the wrong horse” , he said the “Hannover Allgemeine Zeitung”. As Moscow Bypass with European values ​​such as peace, freedom, democracy and the rule of law, see already on dealing with their own opposition, but also on Ukraine conflict. “Whoever therefore continue to support European wants to show the compass must to Brussels, not to Moscow ” demanded the CDU politician.

The Greek government is currently looking for closer relations with Russia. Tsipras traveled to Moscow on Wednesday. On 9 May he took part in the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the war in the Russian capital. German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), British Prime Minister David Cameron and French leaders François Hollande said in view of the Ukraine crisis, however, from

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Sigmar Gabriel calls for end to “games” – accounts of the rich lock

Saturday, April 4, 8.40 Clock: SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel Greece has proposed that the accounts of Greek tax evaders EU -wide lock. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras had already been offered to “freeze accounts of wealthy Greek citizens their home country owe taxes,” Gabriel said the “Rheinische Post”. This offer stands, the Greek tax authorities would have but “already act on its own.”

The EU is also ready to help with staff for state-building or resources from the Investment Fund of the European Commission, Jean-Claude specifically use Juncker for Greece, Gabriel said. Prerequisite for aid however, was that Athens accept the reform agreements reached so far. With the “games”, was driving the new Greek government for weeks, had “now finally closing” be.

Gabriel said he could not imagine “the best of intentions, that anyone in Athens really serious plays with the idea of ​​turning his back to Europe and to throw himself into the arms of Moscow “

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