(photo: dpa, Andrew Gombert)!
40 years ago laid Paul Allen and Bill Gates the foundation for Microsoft. What started with BASIC and was then continued with DOS with Windows and Office programs, is poised to define themselves through the cloud once again.
40 years ago, Paul Allen developed and Bill Gates for the MITS its first product, a BASIC for the Intel 8080. In the course of this development, Microsoft, the company that created “develops efficient software for microprocessors and implemented in every size and in every complexity”, as in the very first advertising means. From modest beginnings, the largest software company in the world originated
“What’s a Microprocessor Without it” (1977 – 1980).
The first ad from Microsoft in July 1976
Image Microsoft Archive / brochure
The success of Microsoft began with the sale of BASIC on a number of manufacturers. In founding in 1975, this was MITS 1976 ordered companies such as Citibank, General Electric and NCR own versions of BASIC. In 1977, Microsoft Fortran came on the market and in 1978 held Cobol 80th This year, Microsoft had a turnover over a million dollars for the first time. 1979 Microsoft managed with a turnover of 2.5 million to move to Europe and could BASIC sell to companies such as ICL and Philip. In 1980, Steve Ballmer joined Microsoft and the company has developed from an idea by Paul Allen their first, very successful hardware called Z-80 Soft Card, which has sold over 100,000 copies. With this development, Microsoft recommended at IBM, the operating system was looking for his planned “personal computer”. When the IBM PC was released in 1981, he was extradited to the DOS of Microsoft, its sales thanks to IBM rose to more than 16 million dollars. On June 25, 1981, the former privately held Microsoft reorganized in order for Microsoft Inc.
“We set the standards” (1981-1985)
In the first 16 months succeeded Microsoft DOS versions to sell to a total of 50 companies, all looking to get into the PC business. As a first application software spreadsheet Multiplan, anno 1983 should play an important role especially in entering the German market appeared. This year, Paul Allen withdrew because of illness from the daily business. Bill Gates, who was now responsible for all developments from Microsoft, announced “Windows” and introduced the Microsoft Mouse in front. It worked first with the “graphic” word processing Word 1.0. When Apple on January 20, 1984 introduced the Macintosh, Gates Microsoft BASIC and Multiplan showed for the computer during the year was exacerbated by Excel. With the announcement of IBM’s new “PC AT” Microsoft was also one of the party – with the promise to deliver, Microsoft Xenix for the AT. The 10th anniversary was celebrated on 12 August 1985, the launch of Windows 1.0, Birthday price of $ 99. The company had 900 employees and a turnover of 140 million dollars. . Windows, however, was not delivered until 20 November
“Making it Easier” (1985-1990) [Germany had its own slogan: software for your future "]
On March 13, 1986 Microsoft posted an IPO on the IPO of 61 million dollars. In the same year, Microsoft Works appeared for the PC and Macintosh. The Software sales are proved Excel on the Mac as a best seller, but the first PC version was not completed until the end of 1987, initially for Windows 2.0 and OS / 2 This was a radically new operating system that Microsoft has developed with IBM and in 1988 introduced In 1991, the marriage of unequal partners was over;.. was to Microsoft-reading IBM blame the refusal of the in-house presentation manager to replace Windows.
From “Information at Your Fingertips” (1990-1992) to “Making It All Make Sense” (1993 -1994)
printed on handmade paper, the speech by Bill Gates on the Comdex 1990 – he explains the claim information at your fingertips with the then imported technology Object Linking and Embedding (OLE). <- RSPEAK_START ->
Windows, Windows, nothing but Windows: 1990, Bill Gates established as a visionary, as he continues his idea of using graphical user interfaces under the slogan “Information at Your Fingertips” presented at a trade show in Las Vegas. Previously, the company celebrated with a lavish party on 15th birthday – this time on 25 July 1990 as the first company that could sell for more than $ 1 billion software. Lotus nemesis was beaten. The Gates at Your Fingertips information propagated first there were only printed on fine paper, but on 6 April 1992 Windows 3.1 came on the market, followed by Windows for Workgroups 3.1.
followed on 26 July 1993 a truly new operating system called Windows NT 3.1, which was missed by marketing the high version number. All three turned out to be a real big seller, of course, along with Excel: When the company celebrated its 20th anniversary on 15 September 1995, Excel came to 30 million installations. Previously they had mastered the launch of Windows 95 on August 29, with 1 million copies sold in the first four days in the US alone.
Where do yo want To Go Today? (1994-2002)
The new claim deserves attention because the internet happened. Microsoft was not really prepared, but thought to be able to entice with the financial, operating systems and applications to clients in a Microsoft enclosure, such as the Microsoft Network (MSN), a purchased Spyglass browser and the book “The Way Forward” the visionary Bill Gates. This book had to be completely rewritten just after the first edition. The very soon tamped advertising slogan from 1996 called for the first time from Microsoft and was completely wrong: “Microsoft leads the way as the world embarks upon the information highway”. The change did not come until 1997, when Microsoft is adapting to the integration of Internet Explorer 4.0 in the operating systems on Internet standards, of course accompanied by actions of the US government (1997, 2000) and the European Union (2004), that of this form bundling for a distortion of competition held. In the US, Microsoft remained unscathed, in Europe they paid several hundred million euros. In 2000, Bill Gates retired from active business and became “chief software architect”; . his friend Steve Ballmer took over the management
“. Your potential Our passion” (2002-2008)
In this nondescript office building in Albuquerque, Microsoft had to move to the West Coast rented in 1979. A plaque has disappeared.
Image: Daniel AJ Sokolov / heise online <- RSPEAK_START - was>
Ballmer’s biggest hit at the very beginning of his time, the release of Windows XP, the longest-operating system, which is still running on many computers today. With the Xbox Microsoft launched the competition between the console manufacturers. Despite good sales Windows Vista could not connect to the success of the previous versions and later referred to as the greatest error of Ballmer his manager career. Larger errors are expected, however, have been the things that Microsoft did not do, when Apple introduced the iPhone and iPad. 2005 was celebrated the 30th birthday on July 1 in a nostalgic mood. In 2008, Bill Gates left the architects post to devote himself entirely to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest foundation in the world. This was published in 2009 Windows 7 is considered the last system in which Gates advice helped to overcome the weaknesses of Vista. That same year, Microsoft launched Bing with trying the new Google competitors to stand up.
“Be what’s next” period (2010-2013)
After the next major renovation, Microsoft presented itself in 2012 with the tablet surface as a hardware manufacturer that can not only build keyboards, mice and Xboxes. With the purchase of the mobile phone division of Nokia in 2013, Microsoft was able to establish profitable in the smartphone market, but in 2014 had to also announce repaint 18,000 jobs. This year Steve Ballmer gave the business to Satya Nadella, the manager of cloud services from Microsoft
“Empowering us all”. (2014 -?)
With the introduction of Windows 10 and the establishment of Microsoft in the Internet of Things Nadella has very challenging tasks ahead. It is mainly to solve the image problem, which becomes clear when Microsoft is referred to his early birthday as a pioneer without connection. Microsoft is certainly in a position to re-invent around the cloud. Seen from the market value fro Microsoft is twice as large as IBM, the also wants to develop in this direction. Apple has once again become twice as big as Microsoft, is another matter. There you can find the numbers that Microsoft repeatedly supported Apple, as the jobs company was once again on the brink of. ( Detlef Borchers ) / (ps)

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