Saturday, April 4, 2015

Dramatic Study | silent Most depressive pilots – IMAGE

From what we know, German Wings co-driver Andreas Lubitz (27) was sick -. And wanted to fly passenger planes anyway

From what we know, he was desperate with fear of being stopped from flying doctors.

From what we know, Lubitz decided to kill himself with an airplane. And 149 children, women and men.

Twelve days after the crash of flight 4U9525 in the French Alps, the world continues to look for an answer. What could have stopped these pilots

Ever since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, you are actually safe? The threat comes from outside and not from the cockpit

Where warn leading industry experts for years before the increasing number of depressive pilots.

Bild am Sonntag is an analysis of the Head of Aviation Medicine of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ago.

Dr. Anthony Evans wrote in November 2013 Bucharest: “At the regular fitness examinations mental health of pilots is neglected.”

Of Lufthansa wants nothing to do these days. They had “one of the most extensive and intense competition,” says one of the standard answers that are being sent.

How dramatic the situation is actually explains Dr. Evans with an earlier study of the North American Air Line Pilot Association (ALPA): From 1200 professional pilots with a diagnosis of “depression” gave 60 percent of anonymous, simply continue to fly without drugs recommended

15 percent would secretly swallow drugs.. Only a quarter intention to report the disease and the use of medication to the employer and to set the flying.

The study is a long-term observation of the years 1997 to 2001. The shocking results, the assessment of experts, have deteriorated further since then

It is clear that, drivers who comply with international rules and specify their illness and medication at the annual tests, as Lubitz must fear for their jobs

<. strong> By a tragic case now reported the “mirror”: A student pilot Lufthansa had committed suicide a few weeks ago. Shortly before they had opened to him that he was “temporarily unfit to fly” is for a mental disorder.

“The trust between pilots and doctors need to be increased,” warned even before the tragic German Wings crash the Director of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine at the University of Oslo, Anthony S. Wagstaff. “What Is The perceived goal of all participants must to keep the pilots in the air – but surely,” it says in the report of renowned scientist who IMAGE present on Sunday

Trust had not Lubitz.. The most recent audit of its suitability in Aeromedical Center of Deutsche Lufthansa AG in Munich (specializing in psychiatry) he concealed his persistent mental problems in the formal questionnaire.

                             Now who can help the victims’ families?


The position of the Lufthansa here is clear: “false information is an offense.” In the US, the offense will cost $ 250,000 and the license

In such exceptional cases, the airlines have to rely on notes. Should have informed that a young woman German Wings before the disaster on the health condition of Lubitz, denied the Lufthansa last week vehemently. Now it says: “In order not to prejudice the ongoing investigation, we will not comment on this now.”

So far, there is only a consequence of the disaster: If flight surgeon and all special centers can not exclude that a suicidal man is a passenger plane flies, then pilots should be checked.

The Executive Director of the European Agency for Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Patrick Ky, has therefore recommended that a pilot should never be alone in the cockpit in the future.

Pure activism? Or would the four-eye principle must be introduced much earlier? Was there a moment when you realize, however, chose

US airlines, the process is far from usual: Should a pilot cockpit, the remaining pilot is provided by a member of the cabin crew controlled. A regulation that costs nothing.

Despite documented suicide crashes in the history of aviation, the European leaders have so far decided otherwise.

While the competent EASA silent on grants, the Federal Aviation Authority in writing a “was our position to the fact that this scenario was not (yet) possible or impossible.”

According to Lufthansa we have always held only by the rules here. Review: As needed to be installed in airplanes with more than 60 passengers, due to the threat of terrorism from 2002 world armored cockpit doors, the theme was the boss. “We have to prepare ourselves for the most daring scenarios,” then announced the ex-Lufthansa CEO Jürgen Weber (73). In the spirit but he probably has, only the danger from the outside

Weber was expensive video surveillance systems installed in the Lufthansa fleet, which covered every angle in front of the cockpit door -. Much better than a peephole. “As a result, the cockpit crew has in a cockpit access not get up every time and log out and buckle up, but can concentrate on flying activities,” it says.

When deciding against a four- eyes principle in the cockpit had been before, “considers different risk and safety aspects”

A company spokesman. “Lufthansa and German Wings had had no problems with the current system, but we will at the Task Force of the Federal Government to participate and had short-changed the procedure for filling the cockpit. “

” The truth is different, “said a security officer a German airline compared with Bild am Sonntag. “We have to feel safe. The strong doors that many pilots tests. Suicide pilots were a problem for us of exotic Airlines, but not the German flagship fleets. “

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                             Help for depression

         Anonymous discussion and counseling services for people in need and crisis

church telephone counseling, Tel. 0800/111 01 11 and 0800 / 111 02 22 or under

         Free advice for choosing the appropriate therapists

Psychotherapy Information Service, Tel. 030/20916 63 30 www.psychotherapiesuche, de

         Information for patients and their families

Foundation German Depression Help:

Germany-wide Information Phone: 0800 33 44 5 33


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