06/04/2015, 09:40 clock | t-online.de

Thomas Middelhoff sitting since mid-November in Essen in custody. (Source: AP)
For the past four months, the former banker Thomas Middelhoff sits in prison. Now his lawyers raise serious allegations against the judiciary: Over a period of 672 hours, the 61-year-old was not able to sleep because he was during the day and at night awakened every 15 minutes, it says’ Bild am Sonntag “in a custody complaint.
In the first four weeks of detention, between mid-November and mid-December, Middelhoff was in his cell constantly monitored, because the Essenes Justice had classified him as suicidal. . Compare the defenders the case in the complaint even with the methods of torture in US detention center at Guantanamo
Alfred Doliwa, head of the prison food, confirmed to the “Bild am Sonntag” the action he had “irregular observation at intervals of 15 minutes or less around the clock “arranged. “The life of the prisoner has precedence. What would have happened if Mr. Middelhoff would have done something?”
Monitoring after several conversations ended
The lawyers doubt, however, that in the former CEO of Bertelsmann and Arcandor was suicide risk. A prison doctor had found no suicide, and no evidence of depression, three days after entering prison. After several discussions with Middelhoff round-the-clock security had been terminated as Doliwa.
According to the report of the “Bild am Sonntag” Middelhoff should be also seriously ill in prison. Whether a connection with the sleep deprivation exists, but is not clear.
Middelhoff was mid-November for embezzlement and convicted of tax evasion to three years in prison a few days ago, he also made it a request for personal bankruptcy Previously, he should have transferred part of its assets
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