That he is sick, seems out of the question. Well but what made him sick. Thomas Middelhoff, former top managers and Karstadt CEO, but now sentenced to three years in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion, has been suffering for some time from a rare autoimmune disease. His face was bloated, over-the hands of bluish tumors, they say. His lawyers believe permanent sleep deprivation in the prison food is the cause. Middelhoff had been woken up every 15 minutes.
“chilblain lupus” is the disease in which the immune system attacks the healthy cells of the body. This form of lupus triggers bluish swelling of the skin, especially the face, ears, toes and fingers. According to the justification of Middelhoff’s lawyers they had been triggered by the special monitoring Middelhoff’s prison in Essen, as media reports. A dermatologist had diagnosed the disease.
Instead luxury villa in St. Tropez few square meters in the prison food, instead of traveling by helicopter now stricter prison life and a well-perceived by him as disastrous trial before the district court in Essen. In this situation, it was deemed appropriate in the Essen prison to see particularly intense after Middelhoff. As it
suicides in prisons are actually not rare. In recent years, the number is, however, decreased from around 20 per year to a dozen.
Middelhoff’s lawyers had mid-March reinserted appeal against detention. The Oberlandesgericht Hamm had, however, these rejected as unfounded, since all the circumstances for a significant flight risk speak. Middelhoff was under pressure as quickly as possible to build a new economic base for himself and his family. This is clearly an incentive flight. Also, one can not assume that the Court of Appeal in its reasoning that the flight risk had fallen just because Middelhoff had to undergo medical treatment.

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