In order to stabilize the grid during the storm, the operators have spent large sums of money by its own account. Their costs, they provide information about the current price on.” title = “Articles

A high-voltage line in Beckedorf | © Julian Stratenschulte / dpa
The hurricane-like weather the recent days has led to unusually strong intervention by the network operator in Germany. From Monday to Wednesday was a “lower to mid double-digit millions” caused at cost thereby. This was announced by the four German transmission grid operator Tennet, 50 Hertz, Amprion and EnBW. These costs are nationwide allocated to the electricity prices.
The According to records a total of 20,300 megawatts were (13,600 MW) used to power reserves (6,700 megawatts) and additional power generation capacity to stabilize the power supply in southern Germany. In addition, hundreds of windmills were forced off with 2,300 megawatts of power.
On Monday was achieved because of the strong wind and a parallel high solar feed-in, a new green energy record. After evaluation of all data, the Institute Agora determined energy change for 14.15 clock a wind and solar feed about 44,000 megawatts, which corresponds to the output of 31 nuclear power plants.
Network reserves and requesting additional generating capacity will be needed to allow the network nationwide remains in balance. Just when the north and east created a lot of wind power that can be. Network operators evaluate the critical situation of the last days as further evidence of the urgent need for new major north-south “electricity highways”, against the mainly Bavaria bucks. By the summer, the government wants to reach an agreement here.
With the “electricity highways” more power could be transported to the south in strong winds, to balance the network. Would have to be turned off in the east and north, not as many wind turbines. Operators can in such cases, compensation, also because of costs. Only on Monday there was a supply of up to 29,950 megawatts of wind energy, on Tuesday of 29,130 megawatts and Wednesday of up to 27,700 megawatts.
Meanwhile, is to be paid by all consumers of green electricity levy for this year if possible been overestimated. As the viewable on the internet account balance shows the account was to March 4.19 billion euros in positive territory. The charge, which is part of the electricity price, was first reduced slightly in 2015 to 6.17 cents per kilowatt hour. Obviously, more would have been possible. One reason for the increase is that there is already a positive balance was the end of 2014 of 2.85 billion euros and exceeded income in January and February issues.
“The main reasons for the surplus on the EEG account at the end of December, a much smaller volume of additional construction of photovoltaic power and weather-related lower feed-in from wind and sun than in the normal annual average, “shared the responsibility for the management of the account four network operators.

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