The Easter Festival 2015 is imminent. Everything about the weather at Easter, the travel and Easter traditions can be found here at FOCUS Online.
- Jam Alarm Level “Red” as of Thursday afternoon
- Verdi threatens strikes at the post
- strike at Amazon on Easter Monday
Post-strike today in many states
strikes at the post office has continued on Thursday. The services union Verdi called employees in several states to lay down their work. In Hesse accordingly thousand postman on the warning strike to participate. In Berlin, Brandenburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg and Saarland are letters and parcels to lie because of industrial action.
On Wednesday were due to strikes, according to Deutsche Post about six million letters and 300,000 packages not delivered. While according to the company about 7500 employees in the walkout came, saying, Verdi of 10,000 participants .
In the collective conflict is the one to the agreed terms of the employees. Verdi calls for a reduction in the working week of 38.5 hours to 36 hours without loss of pay for the approximately 140,000 collective forces. In addition, the union is fighting against the new concept for parcel delivery. The Group had at the beginning of this established 49 regional companies, where 20,000 jobs will be created. However, this should not be paid by the company wage, but according to the tariff regulations of forwarding and logistics industry.
Verdi explained now to try to increase the pressure on the post with the strikes . The employer must take a “serious and constructive negotiations”. The union was “prepared long debate” on a on a
Post-Human Resources Manager Melanie circle showed no understanding of the strikes. The post had been very constructive dealt with the Verdi-demand. They will do everything now to limit the impact of the strikes on the customer
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ADAC sees worst congestion weekend come
16.17 Clock: The Maundy Thursday; 2. April it is fully on German motorways. Because with the exception of Hamburg have now all states vacation or a long Easter weekend. The greatest risk of congestion sees the ADAC on Thursday afternoon (Arrival) . Not much better it looks on the afternoon of Easter Monday, April 6, from (return trip). Jam Proof comes through, who at Easter Sunday, 5 April is on the way. (Detail siehe16.13) slow
Travel shaft at Easter rolls on
16.13 Clock: ski days in the mountains or spring in the sunny south – many people use the Easter holidays for a holiday or to visit relatives. According fully roads and trains will be. Even at Munich Airport hive of activity.
drivers must be set on holidays in Bavaria on congestion and rail passengers on trains full. Also at the airport in Munich there paschal bustle. Especially for Friday morning expects the ADAC traffic jams on highways, a spokesman said on Thursday.
Already on Thursday afternoon, the Easter traffic in parts made impact, for example on the A3 between Frankfurt and Würzburg or on the A6 between Mannheim and Nuremberg. “Then take commuters and vacationers each other,” said ADAC spokesman. Really crowded highways should be on Friday morning – and then again on Easter Monday, when the return traffic starts.
at the Munich airport Friday is the busiest day around Easter. Then most of the passengers took off on holiday, a spokesman said. The main objectives are Italy, Spain and Turkey.
The German railway reckoned at Easter with more passengers as a spokeswoman said Thursday. Chance are still effects of hurricane “Niklas” feel. So the route Munich was on Holy Thursday yet – Rosenheim interrupted.
On motorways is no longer expected to storm damage, said the ADAC expert. Roads, however, could still be affected. Motorists to the Alps, he recommended winter tires due to announced snowfall.
Depending on weather could, according to the ADAC spokesman prevail on holidays in recreational areas much traffic. The parking of zoos in Munich, Nuremberg, Augsburg and Straubing should then be crowded.
In almost all states are Easter holidays. Many tourists will be traveling to the south. According to the ADAC In warm weather, but also with travel towards the North and Baltic Seas expected.
export chocolate Easter bunny happy children in Australia
13.23 Clock: Easter as never wait this year as many chocolate bunnies in stores to customers: Around 213 million copies, the German confectionery industry produced
This is a record, as the chief of the confectionery trade association Sweets Global Network, Hans Strohmaier, the German Press Agency said.. Around 40 percent of which are exported and delight children, but also adults Easter fans in the wide world. Major exporting countries, for example, France, Austria, Czech Republic and Poland, but also to the United States and even to Australia, the long-eared chocolate figures come.
Also, given the cool weather in Germany in recent days, hoping the industry to slightly increasing sales. Heat damps namely usually the appetite for sweets, especially chocolate. Could be said in the but only after Easter, because stock up most consumers until just before the holidays, Strohmaier said.
The transaction prices were increased due to the prices for commodities such as cocoa and cocoa butter lightly dressed. Last year, the trade generated good 414 million euros with chocolate surprises for Easter
The Renner is also this year the classic chocolate bunny -. Whether as a standing or seated figure, whether nostalgic, naughty or with exotic animal prints. Even longer have the rabbits but also society get from hens, chicks, lambs and other Easter time matching chocolate figures. But the fruit gum and pastry maker and now the manufacturer salty snacks await with Easter sweets and snacks.
For the Chocolate Manufacturers Easter is the umsatzträchtigste time of year. In the race for the consumers favor the rabbit figures have also compared with chocolate Santas for some time is one step ahead: Last year, 146 million Santas chocolate came on the market at home and abroad
Post. checks extra shifts on Good Friday
11.11 Clock: The German post responding to the strikes of the trade union Verdi and wants to achieve by working more that as many packages still before Easter at the receivers arrive. “We will try on Thursday whether the work on Good Friday also is necessary,” said a spokesman for the post of “world”.
In fact, the company has already built out and according to information from the “World” for the working days Thursday and Saturday overtime requested. Up to ten hours and 45 minutes a day, the driver of the post can be on the road. However, these extra shifts must be agreed with the works councils in each office. “The mail must get pre-approved every form of wages of the employee representatives,” said Ver.di official Lars-Uwe Rieck the “world”. He confirmed the information, according to which the Group has requested additional work. Whether it will also happen that depended on each individual agreement in the sites. The situation has changed at the post by the creation of 49 new delivery companies nationwide: These Delivery companies mentioned have currently, according to the group of around 5,500 people. Exactly these employees can post losschicken including holidays
08.25 clock. The aftermath of the storm “Niklas” are still being felt in the country on Thursday as well. Especially at high altitudes are still strong gusts expected. With up to 120 kilometers per hour, the winds will sweep in summit documents about Baden-Wurttemberg, told the German Weather Service. In the Black Forest Winds are expected with a speed of 100 and up to 25 centimeters of fresh snow. Between the Danube and Lake Constance with gusts up to 80 mph can blow. With “white Easter” instead of spring is expected. Towards evening the wind decreases, but there is a risk of ice.
mailman-strike in Baden-Württemberg – Easter Post remains lie
Thursday 02 April, 07.14 clock: Hundreds mail deliverers are on Thursday morning again entered in several cities in Baden-Württemberg in the warning strike. The union Verdi reckoned with about 1700 employees in full-day walkout. This affects Reutlingen, Ravensburg, Ulm, Freiburg and Mannheim. Verdi assumes that 1.2 million letters and 110,000 parcels remain lying immediately before Easter. On Wednesday, about 2,000 people were involved in the strikes in Stuttgart, Göppingen, Heilbronn and Karlsruhe. Background of the walkout is the establishment of regional companies in parcel delivery, in the delivery paid at reduced rates. Verdi also fighting for a reduction in working hours to 2.5 hours for 36 hours at full pay
Easter message. Church leaders shocked by violence in the Middle East
21.47 Clock: 13 heads of the various Christian churches in Jerusalem have expressed their dismay over the Easter message violence in the Middle East. The religion was misused to justify the bloodshed, it said in the message. It was, among other things, on behalf of the Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal and the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III. published. The two represent the largest Christian communities in the Holy Land. The Catholic Christians celebrate Easter on Sunday, the Greek Orthodox a week later
At Easter. Church President recalled suffering in Syria and Iraq
20.44 Clock: The Church President of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate, Christian Schad, Easter reminds of the victims of violence in Syria and Iraq. With unimaginable cruelty go the terrorist organization “Islamic State” there against Yazidis, Christians and members of other ethnic groups before them and expand their power without regard for the fundamental human rights, says the previously widespread text of his sermon on Good Friday in Otterbach county (Kaiserslautern).
“In contrast, sharpens us the cross of Jesus today: It should have an end to the evil mixture of religion and violence,” Schad said. Jesus took the hardship of the people to death and had become a force of life. “This force connects us even now to a community of people among themselves – in their diversity – accept,” he added. This community wants her new heart and their new spirit show – “through open eyes to those who are lonely, through a life that works without violence through the use of People who suffer injustice and persecution, and here in our protection and assistance look for “.
Pope: Christians should be aware on Easter prepare
13.16 Clock: Pope Francis has called Christians worldwide conscious preparation for Easter. Easter give Christians the assurance of eternal life, he said in his general audience on Wednesday at St. Peter’s Square. Through the Church at the Easter Vigil shine the light of the resurrection to the people. “The stone of pain is rolled from the grave and is hopeful space,” said Francis.
The Holy Thursday remember the Mass of the Last Supper and the ritual washing of the feet that Jesus had decreased as a slave. That he washed his disciples ‘feet, pushes Francis’ words, the same message like the Eucharist: The believer should serve God and neighbor and do not live as ruler. “When we receive Holy Communion, without wanting to mutually wash our feet, we do not recognize the Lord’s body.”
With its self-sacrifice on Good Friday Jesus had finished his work, as Francis further , That constitutes also a reminder to the people who live their lives consciously and to do everything possible to meet the requirements, the agency God to them. You could then tell the individual at the end of his life, as Jesus said, “It is finished.” Francis emphasized Jesus’ death on the cross was not a defeat, but a victory. “With his offering he has the greatest injustice in the greatest love transforms” the Pope

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