The workforce of Microsoft in 1978 with the two Microsoft founders Bill Gates (front row, left) and Paul Allen (first row, r)
As Satya Nadella for the first time in his capacity as CEO of software company Microsoft talked about a year ago with analysts, he had a remarkable message: “We are of our future setting of a challenger approach. “These are amazing tones for a company that once was so powerful as that antitrust authorities off his smashing into consideration. Maybe put in Nadellas words a bit coquetry, Microsoft is finally up to the present day highly profitable. But without a doubt, the company has lost its trend-setting role in the industry, so far is a more modest self-image, as it has declared Nadella, only logical.
This Saturday Microsoft is forty years old. The company is no longer on the peak of his success, quite different from the only a year younger competitors Apple. Microsoft is in a midlife crisis.
Nadella is only the third CEO in the history of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and after Steve Ballmer. Gates founded Microsoft in 1975 along with his school friend Paul Allen, when he was just 19 years old and enrolled at Harvard University. Its beginnings, the Group had in Albuquerque, New Mexico, because here the first customer was sitting, the electronics company Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (Mits). For the early personal computer Altair 8800 Gates and Allen wrote a program. Gates broke soon after his studies in order to focus on the company, which initially was called “Micro-Soft”, derived from “microcomputer” and “software”. After a few years, Microsoft moved to the vicinity of Gates and Allen’s hometown of Seattle and has its headquarters here today. Allen has long since left the company.
Bill Gates Photogallery
Bill Gates had the early vision that at some point in every household, a computer would stand. The breakthrough Microsoft, as in 1980, came the order from the technology giant IBM to equip its first personal computer with an operating system. That should be the starting point for the inexorable rise of Microsoft. Later, Microsoft made products such as the Windows operating system and Office Office programs such as Word and Excel to standards. Computers were as anticipated by Gates, omnipresent, and Microsoft became the dominant global software company.
Gates himself was to Multimillliardär, who led the “Forbes” list of the richest people in the world on a regular basis. Even in its heyday, Microsoft has not always been innnovativstes companies, but this made up for in determination and hardness. Gates earned a reputation as a ruthless monopolist who plays the dominant position of its products, take down competitors. A prime example is the Internet access program Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer with its swept from the market. With its business practices, Microsoft spectacular antitrust acted in America and Europe.
In the midst of the cartel process in America gave Gates from the CEO to Steve Ballmer and somewhat removed from the day to day business. The Ballmer era was characterized mainly by Keep lucrative products like Windows and Office. But Ballmer’s record in opening up new business falls at best mixed. The Xbox gaming console has been a best seller, on the other hand flopped the digital music player Zune, with the Microsoft wanted to make Apple’s iPod competition, and the advance in the area of the Google Internet search engine Bing brought only moderate success. The biggest failure of Ballmer, it was to have missed the jump into the mobile age, run the place in the smartphone and tablet computer the traditional PC. Microsoft has a strong presence on these mobile platforms to date and thus sees flagship programs such as Windows threatened that still depend heavily on the PC business. Microsoft had not only can overtake Apple in market value, but now also from Google.
The 47-year-old Satya Nadella is well aware of the challenges. He has since his inaugural set some new standards and thereby shown not afraid to break with tradition. So he gave Office for Apple’s iPad tablet released and made free software for Windows smartphones. This should help to maintain the relevance of these products. Nadella issued the currency to upgrade Microsoft for a world of mobile computing and Internet-based services (“cloud computing”). In this cloud business, Microsoft products such as Azure and Office 365 Office software version progress. Recently, it has so often done as a slow-maligned company once again to surround themselves with a touch of “coolness”, as it introduced a futuristic computer glasses called “Hololens”. Of course, the everyday is still cumbersome. The latest financial results were not very exhilarating, and Nadella said the group put in the midst of a “transformation”. The Microsoft CEO will be judged on whether he can continue the glorious past of the company with this transformation. On it rests the hope that he can check off the midlife crisis of Microsoft and usher in a second spring.
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