Saturday, November 22, 2014

New approach in wage dispute at the rail – THE WORLD

New approach in wage dispute at the rail – THE WORLD

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unions reject offers, however, from


The German railway and its two competing unions have taken a new approach to the solution of the frozen labor dispute. Both the Railway and Transport union (ECG) and the train drivers’ organization GDL rejected new offers of the company management, however, to be insufficient. Especially the GDL was outraged: The train did not again take into account all occupational groups with GDL representation, union chief Claus Weselsky said at the beginning of the talks. For this you have not struck several times. He now wants to find out in talks whether you have some “misunderstood”. Previously, ECG and train had already postponed to a new round on 12 December. From the economy was warned of further strikes especially in the important trade Christmas time.

The offer had a circumference of 598 pages, said GDL boss Weselsky on. “And we will inform our members, the poster is already designed, the headline reads ’598 pages nothing’”. How long the conflict might still persist, did not estimate the trade unionists. “I express myself after the trial or we express ourselves after the second trial.” The’m doing to it determines how far you come on Friday night.

The GDL requires five percent wage increase, 37 instead of 39 hours weekly working time and better shift schedules. The EDC wants six percent wage increase, but at least an increase in the salaries of 150 euros for their members. Core of the conflict is that the GDL is no longer as before intends to conclude contracts solely on its own for the approximately 20,000 drivers, but also for their members among the about 17,000 board staff, restaurant staff and board Rangierführern. According Weselskys the offer now considered alongside the train drivers only train attendants in addition. So far, the ECG had negotiated for all occupational groups except the train drivers Agreement. The TOE will now speak in return for GDL advance for the drivers among its members. The web rejects various contracts for the same group of workers from, however. According to her, the deals have been in the trade unions therefore almost identical.

The Chief Executive of the German Chamber of Commerce day, Martin Wansleben, warned in the “image “newspaper especially of strikes during the festive season, which would slow down the Weihnachtsmarkt- and shopping tourism. The damage caused by the recent strikes amounts to more than half a billion euros for the economy. The train had estimated its damage at least 100 million euros.

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