A new forum is designed to help that Germany remains competitive. It would have to find ways as foundations for prosperity could be obtained, says Economy Minister Gabriel.

Three men, one goal (from left): IG Metall leader Detlef Wetzel, BDI boss Ulrich Grillo and Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel Photo: Photo library
Berlin – politicians, trade unions and business associations have formed an alliance to draw attention to the importance of the industry to the prosperity and to discuss future. Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) said Tuesday in Berlin, it was not as if the industry in Germany is permanently secured. Rather, it would have to find ways as foundations for prosperity could be obtained. Ever since the financial crisis was clearly the importance of the contribution of industry. In alliance “future of the industry” should also be discussed, as promoted new technologies, increased investment and burdens on enterprises can be reduced.
The Alliance for industry goes back to an initiative of the IG Metall Chairman Detlef Wetzel. The starting point was the finding that in Germany in recent decades new large industries are barely developed. On the economic side, the Forum is supported by the Federation of German Industry (BDI). The forum is open to new members. The Federal Ministry of Economic
Gabriel wants to talk about the controversial fracking
Gabriel wants to discuss the alliance also about whether Germany too new refused technologies. As an example, he called fracking, in the deep layers of rock gas is produced. Gabriel advocates allow fracking for research purposes.
According to the BDI boss Ulrich Grillo, the German industry has performed well in recent years. “The industry has Germany taken from the financial and economic crisis,” Grillo said. The share of industry in the German economic power was increased from 20 to 22 percent. You expect the production-related services with a, which accounted for 60 percent of manufactured goods in total economic output. The IG Metall Chairman Wetzel said, 20 years ago, industrial production have been considered obsolete. Today it has become clear that only a strong industrial base promise success. “For Germany, this is a vital question,” said Wetzel.
The “Alliance for Work” have the forum does not do
When the Allies there are different ideas about the work in the forum. While Economy Minister Gabriel and BDI President Grillo penetrate concrete agreements will not discuss current political issues, the IG Metall. “There is no parallelism with the Alliance for Work,” Wetzel said. The Alliance for Jobs, former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) had tried after the turn of the millennium, to undertake the trade unions and employers’ common approaches in economic policy. The unions went integration too far, the attempt failed.
Wetzel pleaded to search the Alliance for answers to questions about the future. Gabriel and Grillo said it should after the consultations also a “specification” are created with specific agreements. At the beginning it was clear that there are some differences of opinion between politics and business. The BDI warned of rising electricity prices if the government tightened the requirements for climate coal power plants, as it plans the economy minister. Undeterred, Gabriel showed by criticism of the women’s quota: The law on women’s quotas will definitely come

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