Today in the Bundestag: Sigmar Gabriel would be .
Germany should involved in the European investment package of 315 billion euros in the words of the SPD chairman Sigmar Gabriel. The plan of EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker for more growth and jobs is a step in the right direction, Gabriel said in Berlin.
Juncker enlisted in the Strasbourg European Parliament for further contributions from the EU Member States for a new pot of money of 21 billion euros. This fund will push investment in broadband and energy networks. “I want that governments contribute to success,” said Juncker. The basic idea of the conservative Luxembourger is to bring in the wake of the economic crisis has become risk averse investors again to spend money -. For example, on the award of credit or guarantees
“Finally, the policy changes in Europe,” Gabriel said. The plan Junckers flip the switch towards growth and employment. “We Socialists therefore support the investment program explicitly. And we suggest that Germany’s invitation Juncker follows, and also participated in the newly created funds. “
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had previously left open whether Germany go along. The EU leaders must agree to the project at their summit on 18 and 19 December yet.
The leaders of the major political groups in the European Parliament Juncker praised the plan as a positive signal to investors and citizens. The CSU MEP Markus Ferber, however, questioned the effectiveness of the plan, the first provides no fresh money.
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Juncker promised not to take account of national contributions in the testing of government deficits. He is particularly opposed countries economic problems, such as Italy and France. States with leeway in the household should use them to participate, Juncker called with views of Germany.
A spokeswoman for the Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) led Federal Finance Ministry in Berlin, however, expressed waiting. Priority is not the funding issue, but that economically viable projects would be identified. The proposed additional German investment program totaling 10 billion euros for the years 2016 to 2018 must be included in the debate on the European level actions.
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