The five economic experts say the German economy for the coming year ahead only in small growth. For the current year falls its forecast significantly more subdued than in the past
International conflicts, uncertain export outlook, continued austerity. The economy in Germany could in the opinion of the five farming practices more cool than previously feared. The top adviser to the federal government in 2015 only expect a growth of 1.0 percent. The reports the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, referring to the new annual report, which passed the professors on Wednesday Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in Berlin.
In its forecast, the economists are more pessimistic than the government. These had their predictions recently even reduced significantly, for the coming year but still expected nor an increase of 1.3 percent. For the current year, the economic experts now want to lower its forecast of 1.9 percent to 1.2 percent.
Considerable damper 2014
After a surprisingly good start in the spring of 2014, the economy has received a significant damper. For the global economic crisis and the sluggish recovery in the euro area as contributing causes. However, the experts also see errors in the grand coalition: The course taken in the energy policy as well as in the labor market and social policy could have a negative impact.
In order to trigger additional growth impulses, wants Black-Red now launch a ten billion euros comprehensive investment program – without having to make new debt. This was announced last week Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). The goal of a balanced federal budget will reach Schäuble yet.
The labor market remains robust
The labor market in Europe’s largest economy remains robust, according to the report. For 2014, the economic experts expect 42641000, 2015 with 42,795,000 workers. This employment will remain at record levels. The unemployment rate will remain constant in both years at 6.7 percent. The high level of employment support consumption, says the report, entitled “More confidence in market processes”.
Even large business organizations had last spoken of much gloomier outlook for the economy. So expecting the German Industry and Commerce (DIHK) so that some companies could soon be forced again to short-time working. However, there was no reason for too much pessimism. The Federation of German Industry (BDI) lowered its export expectations.
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