Saturday, November 1, 2014

Karstadt CEO wants defined benefit Salaries –

Karstadt CEO wants defined benefit Salaries –

Berlin / Essen – The new Karstadt CEO Stephan Fanderl calls according to a newspaper report of the approximately 17,000 employees more flexibility in working hours and brings more performance-oriented remuneration from this week

“We need service then. offer, when our customers ask him. And we will consider performance-based salary components, “citing the” West German Allgemeine Zeitung “on Saturday from a letter Fanderls to the employees of the department store chain.

” Time is short “

He sit next to changes in prices and assortments on two different store types: a department store for the buying experience and one for the local supply. The loss-making branches Fanderl set a deadline. Until mid-2015 there should

be turned the corner. “Time is short,” he writes, according to the Journal.

Fanderl had taken over the leadership of the German department store chain Karstadt about a week ago. He announced a drastic times to lead the struggling with losses and sales declines tradition Group back in the black. For six locations including department stores in Stuttgart and Hamburg, which has already been decided from next year thing. Another ten of the 83 stores are therefore in the balance. In August, the Austrian property investor Rene Benko had completely taken over with its Signa Holding Karstadt. (APA, 11/1/2014)


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