Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hope of progress: the fateful Friday! Threaten the railway customers new … – ABC Online

Hope of progress: the fateful Friday! Threaten the railway customers new … – ABC Online

Wednesday, 19.11.2014, 21:20
“socInfo” info

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Since joint discussions” not eligible “, GDL and ECG are now negotiating separately with the web. On Friday we meet to explore whether one ever finds in the labor dispute a mode for further rounds. Failure of the talks, probably threaten new strikes.

The labor dispute at the rail goes to the weekend again in a critical phase. During an appointment in Frankfurt will show up on Friday, if the path and the fractious unions ECG and GDL ever find a negotiation mode. Despite an unsuccessful tip call on Tuesday evening in Berlin, the three parties held on to the appointment on Wednesday. The track announced offer for both unions. If on Friday the expected degree of progress, could rail customers threaten strikes again.

The group wants to conduct separate negotiations with the Railway and Transport union (ECG) and with the German train drivers union (GDL) in Frankfurt. “It is time, finally, the pay and working time conditions to improve for our crews,” said GDL chief Claus Weselsky.

ECG: GDL has brought negotiations to failure

On the eve train personnel director Ulrich Weber and the Chairman of the Railway and Transport union had (ECG), Alexander Kirchner, and Weselsky advise in Cologne , The TOE evaluated the output as “failure” and pointed the blame to the GDL. Common talks would “no longer in question” Common talks would “no longer in question”. A strike by the TOE can not be excluded, Kirchner said in Cologne. “This is not a means, we cry out lightly,” said Kirchner fixed.

The car runs on Friday separate negotiations with two unions. Efforts to joint negotiations had remained at the top-level talks on

Tuesday without result.

GDL wants to railway operating limit

“The art will be to to work with two unions that we come to identical provisions in quite different collective agreements”, said railway personnel director Ulrich Weber on Wednesday in Dusseldorf. The track will present two unions until the next round of negotiations on Friday Deals. Competitive tariff schemes for one and the same employee group would avoid the group but necessarily.

Weselsky offered the ECG on Wednesday to delimit the power units of the Group on both sides: The GDL would therefore be limited to railway operations, but not be active at the network subsidiary. There she has barely made its appearance.

Railway talks on Friday with the first ECG

The declared aim of the GDL is to enforce their own collective agreements for their members at the entire train crew – as for train or for Lokrangierführer. For the train drivers union has achieved years ago. From her position, she has not yet departed. For their concern, the GDL has called six times to strike since the beginning of September.

The web is first talk on Friday according to own data with the ECG and then with the GDL. Finally, the path of the GDL mid-October made a multi-stage offer. At a term of 30 months, the employees should initially 2.1 percent, then 1.5 percent and finally get 1.4 percent more money – which the union rejected. It requires five percent more money and two hours less work week. For the ECG there has been no offer.

Video: Here the strike-Rambo cheered the court-decision


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