Vienna (APA) – The German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel calls from the power plant operators to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2020 on. Off approximately for lignite SPD boss wants it but expressly avoided. “Our proposal is that we can emit 22 million tons by 2002 less from German power plants,” Gabriel said in Berlin on Monday.
How this is achieved, the company should also be left to themselves. Therefore he expects no compensation claims. Gabriel said he aspire no exit plan for coal pile on. “We want no exit from lignite.”
The additional requirement for the 500 power plants in Germany has become necessary because the federal government would otherwise miss the target by 2020, emissions of greenhouse doses by 40 percent to reduce. Also, the transport, agriculture and energy efficiency should bring additional contributions to close the remaining gap 62-100 million tons of CO2. Given an overall output of the power plants of 341 million tons of the Ministry of Economy considers the reduction of 22 million for manageable.
“Of course there was no overwhelming enthusiasm that you have to additionally reduce 22 million tons,” Gabriel said after the Speaking to the power supplies. The supplier wrapped themselves in silence on Monday. E.ON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall did not want to comment on the plans. The German Association of Energy and Water (BDEW) criticized but that “the present extremely difficult situation in the German power plant park without the necessary overall framework authorizes no room for further unilateral intermediate consumption of the power plant operators.”
The economy warned the Federal Government against a current price shock by the planned shutdown of coal-fired power plants. “Power plant closures harm the competitiveness of German industry very directly,” said BDI Director Markus Kerber in Berlin on Monday. By a closure of several coal-fired power plants threatened by 2020, an increase in wholesale prices of 15 percent.
The green power lobby welcomed the plans as a “step in the right direction.” “It is the oldest and most inefficient coal pile encounter not only the most CO2, they also fit the worst to the new energy world because in their generation they are the most inflexible,” said the CEO of the Federal Association of Renewable Energy (BEE), Hermann Falk.
The union Verdi warned of job losses. “In the case of voluntary agreements between the federal government and operators on the closure of individual power plants to maintaining the jobs of the employees there must be a top priority,” said Verdi Federal Executive Andreas Scheidt. E.ON, RWE & amp; Co have been mined many jobs. In the energy end of 2013, around 174,000 employees.
“positive is that the utilities can decide how they want to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of their plants,” the state economics minister Garrelt Duin said ( SPD). “Outstanding issues I see with regard to the impact on electricity prices and jobs.” The power supply must be safe and affordable. Workers needed long-term prospects. Gabriel will therefore predict that the power plant operators were made until 2020, no further legal requirements to climate protection. With a reduction of overcapacity is still expected.

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