Saturday, November 22, 2014

Draghi statements provide party mood on the stock market – THE WORLD

Draghi statements provide party mood on the stock market – THE WORLD

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German stock index gaining two and a half percent

The German stock market investors celebrated on Friday statements by ECB chief Mario Draghi, the continuing record hunting on Wall Street and a surprising rate cut in China , ECB chief Mario Draghi had declared on a bench conference, the ECB was under his leadership willing, even more to intervene when necessary in the financial markets and asset purchases – to pump more money into the economy – including the controversial purchase of government securities. The Governing Council will decide next time early next month on the monetary policy stance of the central bank. The Dax finally posted a plus of 2.6 percent to 9732 points. The MDax medium-sized businesses advanced by 1.8 percent to 16,840 points ahead, the technology index TecDax improved by 0.8 percent to 1329 points.

German government bonds designed according to the instructions on an even looser monetary policy in the euro area. The Bund future rose until the evening of 36 ticks to 152.00 meters. The yield on ten-year government bonds fell to 0.772 percent. The euro fell after the statements Draghi significantly. The single currency slipped below the level of $ 1.24 and was last traded at $ 1.2394 to $ 1.2538 for the New York trading on Thursday.

One of the favorites in the Dax were the feeders that RWE 3.5 percent and E.on by 3.8 percent. The experts at UBS had upgraded the title of “sell” to “neutral” and justified the step above all the pent-up potential of stocks. E.on and RWE have since the beginning of 2.8 and 0.5 percent lost, while the European sector index has risen 11.5 percent. Nevertheless, the lead in benchmark index took the papers from Heidelberg Cement at a premium of 4.5 percent. They benefited from a price target increase of Berenberg analysts from 65 euros to 69 euros and the confirmation of buy recommendation. 3.7 percent up it went -Aktien for BASF . This caused an expert study on current production figures from the chemical industry for the rise.

A large order of US airline Delta heaved Airbus 2.9 percent into positive territory. The contract is worth a total value of around 14 billion dollars. One of announced share buyback boosted the papers of Schaltbau . They won by 2.7 percent. The Group plans to buy back up to five per cent of its titles from next week on. SLM Solutions attracted 1.4 percent. The manufacturer of 3D printers has doubled its turnover to nearly eight million euros in the third quarter of 2014.

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