The conviction by the District Court of Essen Thomas Middelhoff deeply affected – and sparked new hope among the creditors. So the insolvency of Arcandor now has the opportunity to more damages -. Of Middelburg Hoffs Manager Insurance
Also in the second habeas on Monday, the judge stayed the District Court of Essen relentless. Thomas Middelhoff is not free and must be due to flight risk to remain in detention, although his lawyer has announced revision and the judgment thus is not yet final.
Meanwhile, make Middelhoff’s creditors and the Insovenzverwalter of Arcandor hope on new revenue , The creditor is the management consultant Roland Berger have it apart after a report by the Handelsblatt on the security deposit, the deposit would Middelhoff to get released. “In our view, should the deposit amount to half a million euros. If Middelhoff can store, we pledge was” the newspaper quoted from the warehouse of a creditor. However, it comes down to who deposited the bail. “One can only distrain who Middelhoff applying the money itself,” says a party to the proceedings to FOCUS Online. Would anyone else to advance the money for Middelhoff, goals seizure into space.
liquidator intends 15.9 million euros because it has
One of the Arcandor insolvency administrator Hans-Gerd Jauch. He had already enforced in September 2013 in a civil action before the Landgericht Essen repayment of a total of 8.9 million euros by former board members. € 3.4 million of which was attributable to Middelhoff. For the amount sued the officers’ liability insurance stand (D & O) insurance of Arcandor just said Jauch spokesman FOCUS Online
However, both Middelhoff and the liquidator revision have been inserted.. Jauch had in fact actually sued the
Surf. Tip:
On December 10, threatens the next sentence
On the train, making it the Oberlandesgericht Hamm. The wanted to decide before 12 November, the hearing postponed then quickly to 10 December – possibly to await the verdict in the criminal case Essen. Middelhoff that there was now found in 27 cases of infidelity guilty of high relevance for the liquidator: “flights and commemorative played in the civil ruling last year only a minor role,” says Jauch’s spokesman. He had, in the first instance by putting only repayments for four flights.
The jackpot for the liquidator slumbers in a third method, the Jauch also promotes the OLG Hamm. There it comes to the sale of five Karstadt real estate to the bank Sal. Oppenheim and the fund initiator Josef Esch. Jauch accuses the former Arcandor Management Board and Supervisory Board have been, it has not implemented unique demands of auditors after a provision for anticipated losses over 175 million euros in a timely manner. If this entry is posted, Arcandor would probably need to sign already under Middelhoff insolvency. But until his successor Karl-Gerhard Eick resigned after reviewing the books of the whole to the bankruptcy court
In the third method speculated Jauch on the liability of D & amp;. O insurance. The Police, behind which a whole consortium is, secured the former management reportedly with 150 million euros against incorrect decisions.
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