The Heavily Indebted energy company E.ON separates from the area, which was the nucleus of the company once: the existing core business with conventional electricity from coal, oil, gas and nuclear power will be sold. These business units are split off and transferred to a new independent company. Then they should be transferred to the shareholders through an IPO, it said in a press release. The remaining minority shares are to be sold on the stock exchange in the medium term.
The new strategy should be but “no program to cut jobs,” said CEO John Teyssen. The details are explained in the morning.
New Company shall remain in NRW
All capital market liabilities of the former group remain at E.ON , This, and a “solid financial resources” of the new society, this would be very financially robust, it said. Also, a majority of the employees will continue to work for the new company, which will have their seat in NRW. The basis for the listing of the new company to be created in the coming year. Following approval by the Annual General Meeting the removal is to be performed in the 2016 financial year.
One reason for the focus appears to be the fall in prices of wholesale prices for conventional electricity.
These have fallen because of excess capacity in power plants and the expansion of green electricity alone since the beginning of 2013 by more than a quarter. “The current wide business model of E.ON is the new no longer sufficient,” said chief executive John Teyssen.
Focus on Renewable Energy
Instead, the company will focus on renewable energy, energy networks and customer solutions, it said in the statement. This was decided by the Supervisory Board. “The dramatic changes in the global energy markets, technological innovation and growing individual customer expectations require a bold new beginning,” said Supervisory Board Chairman Wenning.
E.ON is next to RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall one of the largest energy companies in the country. The company currently produces more than 15 locations electricity from conventional energy sources. The DAX-listed company has approximately 60,000 employees and posted sales of 122 billion euros. Recently had to write off € 4.5 billion E.ON partly due to bad business in Southern Europe. It is expected that E.ON completes pay the financial year with red.
In the wake of the nuclear phase-out by the Federal Government decided in 2011, E.ON asks for damages in the amount of 380 million Euro.
In air travel, travelers have to adapt to the next big strike action. At the beginning of the week falling out of hundreds of flights. A valid alternative flight plan is not yet available. Sure is so far only. On the long haul the machine should fly
The German Lufthansa has removed hundreds of flights due to the strike of the pilots. Are affected by corporate fees both domestic and international flights. As of Tuesday night, also long-haul and cargo flights are also covered by the extended strike action.
The planned long-haul flights for Monday but will perform as intended, Lufthansa, despite the upcoming pilot strikes. “The goal is that the machines are positioned on Wednesday morning at the right place and we can drive up the long-haul traffic to strike as soon as possible”, said a Lufthansa spokesman with.
strike began at 12.00 clock
In domestic and European traffic, however, fall out numerous flights. The announced Sunday evening for the publication of a special flight plan was delayed. For more information on the impact of the strike there will be only on Monday at 7.00 clock, the spokesman said.
The pilots’ union Cockpit and fights with the company salaries and retirement for months had, on Sunday a 36- hour Germany-wide walkout announced. The recent Pilotensteik will start on Monday at 12.00 clock. The pilot will first medium and short-haul flights on strike and then their strike from Tuesday morning (3.00 out clock) also extend to long-haul
routes and cargo flights.
36 hours emergency
ends to the strike on Tuesday night shortly before midnight at 23.59 clock. “The flights of airlines Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, German Wings, Swiss, Air Dolomiti (…) are not affected by the strike and conducted flight schedule”, said the Lufthansa.
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With the strikers in the early hours of Wednesday there would then be on Wednesday morning abroad enough Lufthansa aircraft ready to drive up the long-haul traffic as rapidly as possible can, it was said at Lufthansa. More details on the impact of the strikes will the airline Monday morning post.
air travelers must face the beginning of the week so at considerable obstructions during air travel. Information about Lufthansa flight connection, travelers will find the website of the airline ‘Flight status “.
” passengers whose flights were canceled, can charge on other flights rebook “it says on strike information Lufthansa. “You can check under My reservations about the status of their reservation. There you may also find alternative flights already and can check for this.” Lufthansa passengers who have booked through a tour operator or travel agent, on the other hand asked, “to refer directly to the tour operator / travel agency where the booking was made.”
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The Lufthansa and over 30 other airlines will have years of prices for fuel and security surcharges agreed among themselves. For its receiving freight subsidiary DB Schenker, the web is now demanding compensation.
The path required by the Lufthansa and more than 30 other airlines damages in the billions for price fixing. The airlines should have voted 1999-2006 kerosene and safety margins with each other. Affected by the cartel was, in the words of a speaker’s train freight subsidiary DB Schenker.
The web calls 1.2 billion euros in damages and 560 million euros interest, as the spokesman said Sunday. He thus confirming a report in the “Business Week”. The corresponding action were filed this Monday at the district court at the registered office of Lufthansa in Cologne.
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The entrance of the Eon headquarters in Dusseldorf
The guessed by the energy transition under pressure Eon is preparing a radical restructuring of the Group. The business of power generation from nuclear, coal and gas power plants and energy trade is mostly delivered in 2016 to the shareholders and brought the rest of the stock market, the company said on Sunday evening. The remaining group then consisted of the production of green electricity and the operation of the electricity and gas networks and distribution business.
Eon brought at the same time the sale of the business in Spain and Portugal at the Australian Macquarie Infrastructure investor in the bag, but had to do well in the current quarter depreciation in the amount of 4.5 billion euros. For the years 2014 and 2015, the shareholders will receive a dividend of 50 cents per share.
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With the elimination of nuclear, coal and gas power plants Eon responded to the fall in prices of wholesale prices for current. These have fallen because of excess capacity in power plants and the expansion of green electricity alone since the beginning of 2013 by more than a quarter. “The current wide business model of the new Eon is no longer sufficient,” said chief executive John Teyssen. Therefore, the company wants to set
up radically new. In the coming year, the management create the conditions necessary for the split and the IPO of conventional power plants. To the split-off part of the global energy and trade as well as the areas of exploration and production would include.
The shops in Spain and Portugal Eon sold at an enterprise value of 2.5 billion euros at Macquarie. Reuters had already reported last week about the plans. The losses were due in the fourth quarter on the southern business as well as power plants. Due to the depreciation of the Group will enter a significant loss in the 2014 financial year. The forecast for operating profit from 8.0 to 8.6 billion euros, and for sustainable surplus of 1.5 to 1.9 billion euros, the Group now keep at. For 2014 and 2015 Eon will pay a dividend of 50 cents, according to 60 cents in 2013.
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steel industry ThyssenKrupp returns to profitability
After three years of losses, the industrial conglomerate ThyssenKrupp again in the black fought. In this case, the austerity program paid off. The Group also has its crises steel plant in Brazil gradually under control. More
20/11/2014, 07:41 clock | Economy
Follow the EEG Energy scare local-investors
The industrial gas producer Messer has a long breath. But because of the high electricity prices, the company toying with a new building in France held in Germany. Other SMEs complicates the EEG apportionment business. More From Thorsten Winter
19/11/2014, 11:14 am Clock | Rhein-Main
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Radical change
Eon says goodbye to nuclear, coal and gas
Germany’s largest energy company is in crisis – and undergoes a radical cure. Business with conventional energy should be terminated. The focus is on other fields in the future.
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The negotiations between the pilots’ union Cockpit and Lufthansa have failed again.
“From now” had therefore to be expected strike action again, the union said on Friday evening.
The train drivers’ union GDL will decide next week whether they again strike the German railway.
Conversations again failed
Lufthansa passengers must by itself set five weeks on strike. The pilots’ union Cockpit announced late Friday that negotiations with the group in the labor dispute have failed again.
“As of now, must at any time be expected strike action at Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo and German Wings,” it said in a statement of pilots association. She had her members already eight times
The Lufthansa stressed that she was more willing to talk launched this year for recusal.. “We are convinced that sustainable solutions can only be found jointly and at the negotiating table and therefore continue to rely on constructive talks,” said Lufthansa spokesman Christoph Maier.
Criticism of pilots
The pilots criticized in several rounds of negotiations were no real progress since the last strike in October has been made. Unfortunately, the management of Lufthansa have not taken up the compromise proposals of the pilots and insist on maximum demands, it was said in the statement.
Cockpit spokesman Joerg Handwerg threw Lufthansa ago, fewer solutions than to look for problems , “It became clear that this is not the management to solutions, but rather to impose an autocratic leadership model as the airlines in the
Gulf States. In such claims as participation and joint design of tariff terms with the staff have no room.”
The reason for the pay dispute
Since April, the pilots have the Lufthansa strike several times. Lufthansa and cockpit argue mainly to the transitional care for 5,400 pilots at the Lufthansa Group. The airline wants its pilots at the earliest with 60 instead of the current can go with 55 years in the paid early retirement future. The pilots’ union resists.
Also in the web, it could strike type
Also, in the path of the labor dispute could again be stalled. The train drivers’ union GDL will decide next week whether they strike again the German railway. The company expanded in the sixth round of talks in Berlin on Friday, although their offer. GDL chief Claus Weselsky criticized, however, the proposal does not bring the talks continue.
The GDL wants besides more money and a reduced working week to reach above all that they can negotiate for its members in total train staff, not only for train drivers among them. So far the greater Railway and Transport union (ECG) has negotiated collective agreements for the train crew alone.
At a meeting of GDL Main Board and Tariff Commission in the coming week in King Winter proposed to be considered a continuation of the negotiations. For the period from 19 December to 11 January joined the union strikes.
= “articlemeta-left”> Updates 30th November 2014 00:04 clock
Bern (AP) – The Swiss decide today whether immigration must be curbed
dramatically. If the controversial popular initiative will be accepted, the annual net migration would have to be limited by law to 0.2 percent of the population. That would be less than 17,000 immigrants – so far there are about 100 000. Government, Parliament and industry warned of a skills shortage. The Switzerland would have if adopted, contracts relating to persons with the EU break. The vote thus applies as a vote on the relationship with the EU.
The movement ECOPOP will drastically reduce immigration to Switzerland -. And forward parts of development aid in family planning programs
On Sunday, the country’s citizens to vote on the popular initiative from
All parties reject the advance. However, up to 40 percent of voters want to vote “yes”.
In addition, votes on which are attached the so-called gold initiative and the abolition of tax benefits wealthy foreigners.
From Charlotte parts
What is ECOPOP?
The name comes from the French words “ecologie” and “population” together. . The movement is about to reduce population growth on environmental grounds
The initiative will be voted on Sunday in Switzerland, is called “Stop Overpopulation – to secure the natural foundations of life”. So immigration is limited to Switzerland with odds and ten percent of Swiss development aid will be invested in the so-called voluntary family planning. This will ECOPOP hoped for a decline in birth rates in developing countries
Swiss initiative ECOPOP trees instead of children
“Birkenstock-racists” – threatens in Switzerland the next vote. And “ECOPOP” is about the same crunch time: How many people can the world? Extreme right-wing and ecological arguments are intertwined. Report
What would change?
However, the quota will prescribe ECOPOP is strictly : Switzerland’s population is expected to grow by only 0.2 per cent each year. That would be 16,000 to 17,000 people. By comparison, 2013, the population increased by more than one percent. End of 2013, ie about 100 000 people lived longer in the country than at the beginning of the year
If ECOPOP succeed, has clear implications. Companies that want to set foreign workers, which could not be more often. Universities should perhaps refrain from the Harvard professor, banking on the CEO from London, the mountain restaurant at the waitress from Brandenburg. Of refugees to mention. Even ECOPOP people give: Economically immigration restriction could be disadvantageous
The agreement between Switzerland and the European Union agreements are therefore void.. They are based on a general movement of persons. Even companies that recruit skilled workers, especially in the European countries would have to change. What about asylum seekers and returning Swiss abroad, is unclear. For the movement always stresses it would apply to net migration. Open to the people who leave Switzerland every year, with in the bill, about 100 000 people could still immigrants annually, so the argument goes. That would indeed be much less than in previous years, but still enough to include any significant labor or political persecution.
Who is behind it?
The roots of ECOPOP lie in the 1970s. At the time, the Club of Rome and many others discussed the limits of growth. For the first time the general public raised the question: How much can our planet is still tolerated? It was primarily to aircraft, cars and large companies, but also to the question: How many people can still live on earth, without causing environmental disaster
The occasion was the strong population growth?. From 1960 to 1974, the number of people was rapidly three rose to four billion.
ECOPOP was then a small working group, startled by these developments, “aware of the relationship between population growth and environmental degradation” the public wanted. In the following years the movement organized repeatedly meetings with titles like “Three children for each Swiss family?” “Immigration policy – to what end?” or “Is evolution
the best pill?”.
Even in the early years were among the followers of voices that looked primarily migration to Switzerland as a problem. Even right-wing extremists were at that time there. 1985 declared ECOPOP, you fight overpopulation as such -. And not too many foreigners in Switzerland
But the theme employed foreigners and immigration ECOPOP on. About 1991, the group faced increasing the so-called foreign worker quotas. 2001 examined ECOPOP the Swiss naturalization and came to the conclusion that “the naturalization of Switzerland is so restrictive far as it is shown occasionally in the press.”
With the advent of the Internet grew in the following years the range of ECOPOP. Online surveys gave the movement more ammunition: Again and again presented results showing that the majority of the Swiss against further growth of the population in the country is
2011 decided ECOPOP, the initiative “stop the overpopulation – to secure. to bring the natural foundations of life “for voting. 2012, this has been filed with the support of 120 000 signatures. Were necessary 100 000 signatures
Who is against who it
Such unambiguous rejection is rare.? All major parties of Switzerland, employers, unions, churches, large companies, development aid representatives, artists and cultural workers speak out against ECOPOP
celebrity advocate, the movement also. The retired economics professor Hans Geiger, former National Ruedi Aeschbacher, Philippe Roch, the former director of WWF Switzerland. Members of almost all political parties including -. If Green, Liberal, Conservative or National Christian
What chance does the initiative
ethics expert at Swiss initiative ECOPOP “The feeling: the home is at stake “
The movement ECOPOP will drastically reduce immigration to Switzerland – and linked it quite conservative and ecological arguments. Many Swiss find the good. An ethics professor explains what’s behind the resentment. Interview
According to recent surveys ECOPOP comes to 39 percent approval. Significantly less than the required 50.1 percent. However, it appears at the initiative of an upward trend: In October, the agreement was still at 35 percent. What is still to come: The massive public rejection experienced by ECOPOP, they say in a survey may be more likely no. The anonymity of the vocal booth you dare, however, to tick Yes.
What tune the Swiss still on?
In addition to a variety of local voting it comes at a national level on Sunday also to the so-called gold initiative and the abolition of tax benefits wealthy foreigners.
Especially the gold initiative is debatable. The National Bank was thus obliged to hold one-fifth of their assets in gold back. The institution to vigorously. You would be limited in their ability to act, weakened their position in the world. The markets react nervously to the initiative, whose approval rating but also is less than 40 percent.
The abolition of the tax benefits wealthy foreigners have compared manageable consequences. Only about 5,600 people will benefit from the special rule that allows them not to tax their property or their income, but only their living expenses. In the mountains, where many rich foreigners live, politicians fight back hard against the initiative. About 42 percent of citizens, six percentage points less than in October, will vote against the tax privilege, according to polls.
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The negotiations between rail and GDL in danger of being stalled again. While the web has expanded its range, however, is that of the GDL too little. On page shows you the GDL disillusioned. During Advent, further strikes could face.
The Metro advanced in the sixth round of talks in Berlin on Friday, although their offer. GDL chief Claus Weselsky criticized, however, the proposal does not bring the talks continue. The union wants to discuss next week whether to continue the negotiations or re-strike – might also be interested in the Christmas period -. Calls
The GDL wants to achieve, especially alongside more money and a reduced working week that they is allowed to negotiate for its members in the entire train crew, not only for the drivers among them. So far the greater Railway and Transport union (ECG) has negotiated alone collective agreements for the train crew.
“On GDL page was quite disillusioned”
The web has fulfilled relevant requirements of the GDL, said Chief Human Resources Officer Ulrich Weber on Friday: “We have clearly offered to conclude collective agreements for other employee groups.” He cited as examples board restaurateurs, coach and Lokrangierführer. Condition remains, however, that there are
substantive uniform conditions for all employees of a professional group. “Now it is time that the GDL finally moves” demanded Weber.
Weselsky criticized the exclusion of competing collective agreements bring the offer no further negotiations. “At the end of the day of negotiations, we are quite sobering to GDL side.” Although
The web offers a new wage agreement, but as the demanded an entirely different quality. “We have more than 12 hours over two days out negotiations and see us at the same place as before,” Weselsky said.
No strikes in Christmas holidays
At a meeting of GDL Main Board and Tariff Commission in the coming week in winter king proposed to be considered a continuation of the negotiations. About strikes he would not speculate Weselsky said. The GDL chief reiterated over the Christmas holidays and New Year there will be no labor disputes.
“I see us in a negotiation and labor dispute break from December 20 until January in,” he said. In a GDL release announced that labor disputes are excluded of 19 December 2014 to 11 January 2015. The GDL members have already six times strike
In Video:. Weselsky premature strikers
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Upper locomotive engineer Claus Weselsky is still not satisfied with the offer of the web.
The train drivers’ union GDL and the German railway have again heard this Friday for a new collective bargaining agreement – again with no result. With a collective bargaining agreement in advance was indeed not already been calculated. But now is not certain whether there will be a new trial date or new strikes. The GDL bodies want to discuss about it next week.
author. Henrike Rossbach, born in 1979, business correspondent in Berlin Follow:
sticking point remains the question of who the GDL future may conclude collective agreements. Nor is it responsible for the train driver, but in the future they will also GDL-board staff and board members among restaurant employees represented. So far assumes the greater the railway union ECG.
“We have specifically offered for other groups of employees to conclude collective agreements with the GDL,” said railway personnel director Ulrich Weber after the talks, in addition to board staff as well as for on-board caterers and Lokrangierführer. The prerequisite is that there are uniform rules for employees of a professional group at the end. “Now it is time that the GDL finally moves,” Weber said. GDL chief Claus Weselsky showed, however, disillusioned and criticized the exclusion of competing collective agreements bring the offering of the web, the negotiations did not continue.
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The most recent listing of the Group of 20 November lane designated manager Weber again as “very comprehensive” , The web offers’ve made more money, More settings of train drivers -. And, of course, to conclude a collective agreement with the GDL for train
The drivers require 5 percent more money, better shift schedules and a shorter working week for two hours. The question of who they may deal in the future, but superimposed on these classic tariff issues.
For the time between Christmas and New Year, the GDL has already ruled out strikes. A labor dispute would be quite conceivable before Christmas. The EDC is negotiating the next time on 12 December by train, previously do not want to call for strikes them as well.
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ECG boss This man could train driver even get to know
Alexander Kirchner is the head of the TOE, and the other major rail union in addition to the GDL. In many ways he is the antithesis of streikwütigen Claus Weselsky. Today the web is negotiating with him – not excluded surprises More From Kerstin Schwenningen
11/21/2014, 08:53 clock | Economy
web-wage dispute union ECG exacerbated strike threat
After and wage dispute between the railway union ECG Deutsche Bahn is still no progress in negotiations, aggravated ECG boss Kirchner its strike threat. First strikes are possible from 3 December. More
23/11/2014, 09:38 clock | Economy
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wage dispute with the web
The GDL will decide next week on new strikes
From Henrike Rossbach, Berlin
The negotiations between trains and train drivers union stuck. Another walkout before Christmas is possible. Sticking point remains a particular topic.
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The collective bargaining Vereinigung Cockpit with Lufthansa to the transitional provision of the pilots failed again. “From now on, should at any time with strike action at Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo and German Wings are expected.”
The negotiations between the pilots’ union Cockpit and Lufthansa have failed again. “From now” had therefore to be expected again strike action at Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo and subsidiary German Wings, the union announced yesterday evening. Since the last strike in October had “no real progress” in the labor dispute can be achieved by the transitional care.
Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr had on Monday the hope for an early agreement in which for months simmering conflict with the pilots expressed.
Cockpit spokesman Joerg Handwerg threw Lufthansa nevertheless require less solutions than to look for problems. “It became clear that this is not the management to solutions, but rather to impose an autocratic
leadership model as the airlines in the Gulf States. In such claims as participation and joint design of tariff terms with the staff have no room.” The airline had not taken unfortunately the compromise proposals of the union and insist on “maximalist”. More about
In the labor dispute is about the so-called transitional care, yet approximately every second of the 10,000 pilots of the Group allows it to go in the paid early retirement from the age of 55 years. You get in the transitional period until the statutory retirement up to 60 percent of their salary. Lufthansa plans to raise the retirement age, cockpit rejects this and did, since the members agreed in March in a ballot of the work stoppage, multiple strikes pressure.
The OPEC does nothing against the rapid oil price decline, thus exacerbating the financial problems of Russia. Saudi Arabia blocked on Thursday at the meeting of the oil cartel in Vienna demanded by poorer members such as Venezuela and Iran throttling of the promotion. Russia, which buys around 40 percent of its government revenues from oil exports go through the falling price of oil that they know up to $ 100 billion lost annually.
The decision to use a consistent production marks a turnaround over the previous OPEC strategy to combat falling prices by reducing supply. Instead wants Saudi Arabia apparently depress prices for a long time, so the – to weaken shale oil production in the United States – which has now become a serious competitor. The OPEC decision pushed the price of North Sea Brent crude by six percent in the depth of about 73 dollars.
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Since June, oil prices have declined mainly because of the economic slowdown in Europe and China by about one third. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will hold its next meeting in June thus signaling to schedule no special meeting. In addition, in its statement was also not mention that members should stop overproduction. “We interpret this to mean that Saudi Arabia believes that oil prices will have to fall further in the short term,” said Olivier Jakob explained by the consultancy firm Petro matrix. “In other words, it should be in the interest of OPEC, for a time to live with lower prices to slow down development projects in the USA.”
The United States deal out with the help of the controversial fracking technology oil shale and open up with this method, new deposits. This is another cause of global crude oil glut. However, even in America the falling price of oil could be sooner or later the problem, because the shale oil production is costly.
The most important supply country outside OPEC is likely to be one of the main victims of the current strategy of the oil cartel, the addition of Western sanctions stricken Russia. In the Russian budget for 2014, the Moscow government expects an average price of 104 dollars per barrel. This assumption is now final waste, which is why the ruble fell in response to the OPEC decision to a record low.
The Russian oil company Rosneft does not exclude a further partial collapse of oil prices by about 20 percent to below $ 60 a barrel. Such a fall in prices is possible, but probably only towards the end of the first half of 2015 Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin said the newspaper “Die Presse” from Austria.
In Moscow, given the development in the oil markets long been talk of a plot – especially Saudi Arabia is a key ally of the United States. Even “New York Times” columnist Thomas Friedman recently announced to consider: “Am I imagining it, or we are dealing with a global oil war with the United States and Saudi Arabia on the one hand and Russia and Iran on the other? “
Iran has the two enemies America and Saudi Arabia also accused of conspiratorial collusion to ruin its economy. America’s Secretary of State John Kerry fueled the speculation in addition. When asked during a visit to the Saudi capital Riyadh in September according to the importance of the oil price for the Russian budget, he smiled and said: “The Saudis are aware of their ability to determine the prices on the world oil market, very, very well aware. “
Following the OPEC meeting of the dispute within the cartel on the faces of the participants was read. Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Rafael Ramirez was visibly upset and refused any comment. In contrast, the Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi cheered with a big smile: “That was a great decision.”
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Despite price erosion Opec keeps flow constant
On the OPEC meeting in Vienna, the group of wealthy Gulf States to Saudi Arabia has prevailed: Despite the recent crash in oil prices, the Antitrust not shorten his previous production target. That hurts Russia More
11/27/2014, 17:00 clock |. Economy
OPEC meeting Under the Sign of the failed oil prices
Rarely was the meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries as exciting as this year. Because of declining oil prices, poorer members pushing for a reduction in funding. But Saudi Arabia refuses. More From Judith Lembke
26/11/2014, 21:02 clock | Finance
price decline on Oil Market OPEC cartel deeply divided
The South Americans currently seeing a crisis scenario as in 2008 – and therefore want the oil supply scarce. The mighty Gulf countries are against it. The consumer would dispute, because the price of gasoline could fall further. More From Christian Geinitz, Vienna
11/27/2014, 13:56 clock | Economy
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Oil prices fall
OPEC puts Russia in Bredouille
In spite of collapsing oil prices OPEC does not throttle their production target. Russia is likely to be one of the main victims. A Moscow energy company feared know that a barrel of oil could cost less than $ 60 soon.
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1000 to 3000 dwellings, the federal government last year sold
The federal government wants to give back all around 38,600 residential flats in the medium term. “The federal government will gradually sell these stocks,” a government official said on Thursday in Berlin. The Federal Agency for Real Estate Affairs (BImA) should in future concentrate on mainly to manage the important properties such as ministries and military property.
last brought more about
Each year, the federal government did between 1000 and 3000 housing units on the market. A good nine out of ten federally owned homes were built before 1970 and correspond only to a limited extent today’s energy requirements, as stated in the government circles on. Therefore, they should be medium renovated and modernized.
The federal government wants to sell to the State of Berlin around 4660 its 5022 apartments in the capital. Earlier this week it had given to a top-level meeting with representatives of the Senate and the BImA. Senator Michael Müller and BImA Officer Axel Kunze had declared on Wednesday that negotiations were on the right track. Several groups are now finding out about opinion, what are the flats worth and how the sales process to proceed. Only then was clear when the whole deal was completed, it said in the government.
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New rail strikes threaten Joint negotiations failed
A meeting between the railway and the chairman of the trade unions EVG and GDL has gone without an agreement to end. The unions could not agree on joint negotiations. On Friday will now proceed separately More
11/18/2014, 23:35 clock |. Economy
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The federal government separates itself from all its apartments
Most of them are old and need to be rehabilitated: Nearly 40,000 homes owned by the federal government. In the coming years, he wants to sell it.
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These reports Hessen model could make school Sunday work is only possible within limits. Bus drivers and firemen have to work on Sundays. But must also video stores and call center is open on weekends? No, says the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig and pushes the Sunday work a bolt. Read more … reports: is the Federal Court of Sunday work limits? FAZ? Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. THE WORLD ROUNDUP 2: Federal Court is the generalization of Sunday work GrenzenFAZ & amp; # 8211; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Leipzig / WIESBADEN & amp; # 8211; The Federal Administrative Court granted the extension of Sunday working limits. The Leipzig judges see no need f … read more
Articles of Hessian checked Regulation : Court limited work on Sundays? NEWS. NEWS Hessian Regulation expertised more …
These reports further Federal Administrative Court is Sunday working limits. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig has limited the expansion of Sunday work in a landmark judgment. Affected
include video stores, libraries and Call Center in Hesse. The ruling could have far-reaching consequences. Read more … writes: judgment to Sunday work: Federal Administrative Court sets strict limits , The Federal Administrative Court strengthened the special protection of Sunday: The Leipzig judges see no need for Sundays open video stores, libraries, call center and Lotto and Toto companies. Read more … writes: Federal Administrative Court is working on Sunday narrow limits. Leipzig: The Federal Administrative Court of Sunday work within narrow limits. The chief administrative judge decided that a job in video stores, libraries, call centers and lottery companies on Sundays and public holidays is not permitted. Because these institutions are not required to meet specific needs of the population. Thus, the Federal Administrative Court an action by the trade union Verdi and two Protestant community organizations were in part. Continuing …
given further: After judgment: Hessen sets prohibition of Sunday work immediately to. In call centers, video stores and Lottery Retailers will on Sunday may no longer be worked, now ruled by a federal court. The action was directed against a Hessian regulation that allows this. Read more …
Germany should involved in the European investment package of 315 billion euros in the words of the SPD chairman Sigmar Gabriel. The plan of EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker for more growth and jobs is a step in the right direction, Gabriel said in Berlin.
Juncker enlisted in the Strasbourg European Parliament for further contributions from the EU Member States for a new pot of money of 21 billion euros. This fund will push investment in broadband and energy networks. “I want that governments contribute to success,” said Juncker. The basic idea of the conservative Luxembourger is to bring in the wake of the economic crisis has become risk averse investors again to spend money -. For example, on the award of credit or guarantees
“Finally, the policy changes in Europe,” Gabriel said. The plan Junckers flip the switch towards growth and employment. “We Socialists therefore support the investment program explicitly. And we suggest that Germany’s invitation Juncker follows, and also participated in the newly created funds. “
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had previously left open whether Germany go along. The EU leaders must agree to the project at their summit on 18 and 19 December yet.
The leaders of the major political groups in the European Parliament Juncker praised the plan as a positive signal to investors and citizens. The CSU MEP Markus Ferber, however, questioned the effectiveness of the plan, the first provides no fresh money.
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Juncker promised not to take account of national contributions in the testing of government deficits. He is particularly opposed countries economic problems, such as Italy and France. States with leeway in the household should use them to participate, Juncker called with views of Germany.
A spokeswoman for the Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) led Federal Finance Ministry in Berlin, however, expressed waiting. Priority is not the funding issue, but that economically viable projects would be identified. The proposed additional German investment program totaling 10 billion euros for the years 2016 to 2018 must be included in the debate on the European level actions.
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For more growth in Europe
Gabriel asks German money for investment plan of the EU
SPD boss Sigmar Gabriel advertises that participated in the new European investment package: “Finally, changes the policy in Europe. “In contrast, the joy of Finance does not seem nearly as large.
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By Roland Pichler 25th November 2014 – 16:38 clock
A new forum is designed to help that Germany remains competitive. It would have to find ways as foundations for prosperity could be obtained, says Economy Minister Gabriel.
Three men, one goal (from left): IG Metall leader Detlef Wetzel, BDI boss Ulrich Grillo and Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel Photo: Photo library
Berlin – politicians, trade unions and business associations have formed an alliance to draw attention to the importance of the industry to the prosperity and to discuss future. Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) said Tuesday in Berlin, it was not as if the industry in Germany is permanently secured. Rather, it would have to find ways as foundations for prosperity could be obtained. Ever since the financial crisis was clearly the importance of the contribution of industry. In alliance “future of the industry” should also be discussed, as promoted new technologies, increased investment and burdens on enterprises can be reduced.
The Alliance for industry goes back to an initiative of the IG Metall Chairman Detlef Wetzel. The starting point was the finding that in Germany in recent decades new large industries are barely developed. On the economic side, the Forum is supported by the Federation of German Industry (BDI). The forum is open to new members. The Federal Ministry of Economic
Affairs supported the project financially. The goal is, for example, in the population to promote understanding of infrastructure projects. The success of the industrial site includes things that citizens hinnähmen loads, Gabriel said. The roads in the industrial centers needed to be strengthened. Cause for concern Gabriel that particularly energy-intensive companies investing increasingly abroad.
Gabriel wants to talk about the controversial fracking
Gabriel wants to discuss the alliance also about whether Germany too new refused technologies. As an example, he called fracking, in the deep layers of rock gas is produced. Gabriel advocates allow fracking for research purposes.
According to the BDI boss Ulrich Grillo, the German industry has performed well in recent years. “The industry has Germany taken from the financial and economic crisis,” Grillo said. The share of industry in the German economic power was increased from 20 to 22 percent. You expect the production-related services with a, which accounted for 60 percent of manufactured goods in total economic output. The IG Metall Chairman Wetzel said, 20 years ago, industrial production have been considered obsolete. Today it has become clear that only a strong industrial base promise success. “For Germany, this is a vital question,” said Wetzel.
The “Alliance for Work” have the forum does not do
When the Allies there are different ideas about the work in the forum. While Economy Minister Gabriel and BDI President Grillo penetrate concrete agreements will not discuss current political issues, the IG Metall. “There is no parallelism with the Alliance for Work,” Wetzel said. The Alliance for Jobs, former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) had tried after the turn of the millennium, to undertake the trade unions and employers’ common approaches in economic policy. The unions went integration too far, the attempt failed.
Wetzel pleaded to search the Alliance for answers to questions about the future. Gabriel and Grillo said it should after the consultations also a “specification” are created with specific agreements. At the beginning it was clear that there are some differences of opinion between politics and business. The BDI warned of rising electricity prices if the government tightened the requirements for climate coal power plants, as it plans the economy minister. Undeterred, Gabriel showed by criticism of the women’s quota: The law on women’s quotas will definitely come
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