Thursday, August 11, 2016

Setting shaft of the federal states: Study sees immigrants as a job for … – ABC Online

Thursday, 08.11.2016, 07:51
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Over only kebab owner: As an entrepreneur afford migrant people an important contribution, says a study. Increasingly, they are beyond the low-wage sector active – yet remain income differentials

Entrepreneurs with foreign roots provide in Germany for a growing number of jobs.. The number of jobs that have been created by the self-employed with an immigrant background has risen 2005-2014 by more than one-third of 947,000 to 1.3 million jobs, as is apparent from a study presented on Thursday by the Bertelsmann Foundation. The number of immigrant entrepreneurs history over the same period by a quarter to 709,000 people. This is all the more remarkable as compared to 2005, the proportion of people with an immigrant background in the population has grown by just under nine percent.

What are the effects on the labor market, depends greatly on the particular State : the number of jobs rose by migrants particularly clear business in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen and Berlin. However, on a low level, they went into the eastern area countries back, as in Lower Saxony, Hamburg and Rhineland-Palatinate. show

data that we more and more able to say goodbye to these clichés us “

also what industry to make people self-employed migrant, is changing: “When you think of migrants economy in Germany, often still thinks most likely to the kiosk around the corner or the Chinese restaurant in which collaborates the whole family. The data show that we have more and more able to say goodbye to these clichés us, “said study leader Armando Garcia Schmidt of the Bertelsmann Foundation. According to the study

So is the traditionally high proportion of self-employed persons of foreign origin in trade . – or hospitality industry compared to 2005 fell by ten percent (28 percent in 2014) – in favor of other service sectors, construction, or processing establishments, it reveals that migrant entrepreneurs outside of low-wage, labor-intensive activities made a corporate contribution: “the proceeds from tax consultants, on the start-up founders up to the successes rich machine builders, “Garcia said Schmidt

comeback of migrants

At the same time is self for immigrant families a driver for income. you earn as an entrepreneur an average 2167 euros net per month 40 per cent more than salaried workers with an immigrant background. Compared to people without immigrant story, however, there is a gap. Immigrants and their descendants in Germany achieve on average a 30 percent low income than people without immigrant history.

The reasons for this, the experts in the lower average level of education of migrant entrepreneurs. Because they are longer on the market, have many local entrepreneurs also a projection explains Garcia Schmidt. “Especially when advancing into the more profitable sectors the comeback of immigrants is only beginning.” Education is here a key ingredient, as well as the view of the federal states shows. The more educated the self-employed immigrants in a country, the higher is often the self-employment rate

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