Monday, October 3, 2016

“The cave of the lion”: With rubber: Til Schweiger’s nephew wants the lions to … – FOCUS Online

Tuesday, 04.10.2016, 04:23
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Til Swiss has a business-minded nephew. The 30-year-old Marcel Graf wants to compete with his idea of the Vox TV show “die höhle der Löwen” and the favor of the investors. He wants to convince with rubber, more precisely, chewing gum, it said.

As the “image”newspaper reported, the 30-Year-old in the German TV Show along with his two business partners, the project “DasKaugummi”. It was sugar-free, organic chewing gum, for the three men want an Investment of 250,000 euros.

Graf said the “Bild”newspaper, that the chewing gum brand was so so special, because they pick up on Trends that are also found in everyday life. So there is no such a product that tastes like “elderberry blossom-mint” or “lemon-Basil”. Graf said the “image”newspaper: “We know the taste has no limits.”

model Til Schweiger

On his famous uncle addressed, said the count in the “Bild”newspaper, that Til was Schweiger to be the absolute role model. The 52-Year old “doers” – and that, contrary to the opinion of others. Graf, incidentally, is the managing Director of Schweiger’s establishment of company “Barefoot Living”.

The 30-Year-old who bears the name of his mother, repents of not having known family names are not accepted. This allows him, according to his own admission in the “image”-newspaper, “a lot freer”. He wouldn’t put it in a drawer and could speak with his Opposite, different. Whether this is also true for the lions, will show up on Tuesday in the shipment.

Video: “the cave of The lion” – 80,000 euros for a vanity light: Therefore, had to “lion” Dümmel simply invest

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